Tuesday, April 30, 2024


Tired boys

 Starting out a new month with Spring break!  On Monday we headed down to Pahrump, NV, where we were staying while visiting Death Valley.  We went down with Catheys. 

April 2021

 Back in 2021, while heading down to St. George with the Catheys, we found this pizza place in Cedar City.  The Pizza Cart.  

April 2024
On our way down we decided to try it again.  Still just as good.  We get the chicken, bacon, ranch style pizza.  Yummy!

We stayed at the Holiday Inn Express.  Nice hotel, clean...but the best feature were the employees.  Everyone we came in contact with was so friendly and helpful!

They recommended Mom's Place for dinner.  Food was good.  

After dinner we headed back and went swimming.  They keep the pool at a nice warm temp so you can swim.  
That night Jacob was not feeling well and wanted to go home.  So on Tuesday, after breakfast, we packed up and drove home--Catheys stayed and went to Death Valley. 

General Conference weekend.  Saturday we were at home.  In the afternoon Jason and Jacob went out driving with the 4 Runner so Jacob could learn to drive a stick shift.  

Wrestling with Robbie

Sunday afternoon we went to Randy's for dinner and watch the afternoon session.  It was a good conference.

Photo Bomb!

Cory Isileli, Max Solis, (some I don't know), Chris
Light, Jaxon Ward, Sam Smith, Jacob, Ueseli Isileli
Bishop Watson, Nate Ridge, Mark Petty, Ashley
Bolingbroke, Tyson Forbes, Claire and Halie Pettey, Kora
Spilette, Scott Spilker, Corinne Ellingson, Lindsey Forbes,
Amy Labram, Kara Reeve

For the youth activity they took the kids downtown to the Church history museum.  Jacob seemed to have a good time and enjoyed photo bombing the girl's picture.  

In March we had the Republican caucus.  In our precinct meeting Jason and I were voted in to be the County Delegates for our area.  We were to vet the candidates for the Republicans:  County Mayor, County Council at Large-C, County Surveyor, our school board, and our State representative. 

Over the past month we've done zoom meetings, gone to meetings, done meet and greets with the different candidates to learn more about them and what they stand for.  It is an interesting process. 

The convention was on Saturday, April 13th at Cottonwood HS.  There was a meet and greet from 8-10 a.m. and the convention began at 10 a.m.  
Pano picture of the auditorium

They did a pledge, opening message, rules of order, some reports and then candidates for County Mayor, County Council and Surveyor spoke for 3 mins each before we voted on which one we wanted to send to the November election.  

After they spoke we marked our ballots and then stood to go down to the front where they marked our badges and put our ballot in the box.  They were very specific about this so to prevent and ballot box stuffing.  That is one thing about our voting system...it is taken very seriously to make sure it is followed correctly.  

This took until almost 1:15, we left before the last reports were done--went outside to grab lunch from a food truck before the voting began.  At 2 p.m. we went back in to vote for school board member and our State House representative.  

It is an interesting process and those running it really tried to make it as stream lined as possible.  

The next week we had our concrete sealed.  First they spray everything down and get it clean and then it is sealed.  It really does put a barrier on it.  A few days later it rained and the rain doesn't really soak in.

I am now in our ward Activity Days.  This is my second year and overall it goes pretty well.  In April they held Stake Activity Day.  We used to do this when I was in the Stake, but we only did for girls since the boys had scouts.  Now they do it with both.  It is a lot of work!  They do a great job with it, but I'm glad we only had to do girls when I was in.  The theme was Book of Mormon stories.  
You came into the gym and they had a small table for each ward around the room.  On the table was a "Tree" with fruit snacks attached to represent the tree of life. 
Then they had 4 break out rooms.  The first was where they made their own Golden Plates, the 2nd was a Jeopardy style game about the Book of Mormon, the 3rd was a room where they made their own Liahona using Christmas balls on top of a gold colored nut cup.  4th they had games tossing the arms of the Laminates and shooting bows representing when Nephi broke his bow.  

Jacob got a job!  He is a sweeper at Willow Springs Elementary and working with Jaxon!  He has done a great job coming home, getting his things done, going to work, and coming home to finish things up.  I think it will be a good experience.  For the summer he has applied for a job at the district in IT.  Hopefully he gets that.  

Now that Jacob is working he got his own key to the 4 Runner.  He was pretty happy.

We were going to to a lunch for mom on her birthday, but she got sick, so we did it a week later.  I made this S'mores cake.  It was good, but a lot of work--I don't think I'd do it again. 

It was a Joy's with Gayle, Mom, Matthew and me.  

The last weekend of the month the Young Men went down to Goblin Valley overnight. They played laser tag in the hoodoos and even though it rained, Jacob said it was fun.  

Kim Stewart came into town and we got together with her for dinner.  Joy couldn't come--was in Mexico.  Fun to see everyone.

Kieran Stewart, Sharon Price Hutchinson, Shelley Anderson Cole, Me, Jennifer Stein Edwards, Kimberley Stewart

Sunday, March 31, 2024


March...a birthday month!  The month began with Jacob going to the Esports tournament up at the Huntsman Center.  He went with the team at school to watch the qualifying teams compete.  He has a good time and it gets him out of school (though the homework catch up is not always fun!).

One of Jacob's classes this quarter is Driver's Ed.  He has been working on class items and here is doing his GOTE assignment...Gas fill, Oil check, Tire change and, for extra credit, he could put together a car emergency kit.  

On my birthday Mom, Heidi and Joy came up for lunch.  It was fun to visit and celebrate my 60th.  Just sounds so old!

 While we were eating Jason came home from work and surprised me with flowers and Sees candy!

One Saturday, the 9th, Christian (Elizabeth's oldest) was baptized.  We went to that and then over to her house for lunch.  Jacob was doing this same thing 8 years ago!

The night Marcia and Steven, Clark and Natalie and Jason and I went to dinner at Slackwater to celebrate my birthday.  The pizza was good and we then headed back to our house to have cake and ice cream.  I made the Cake by Courtney Hot Chocolate cake.  Yummy.  We had a fun time!
Night before Jacob's chemistry test.  He said he
was ready, but then told us he had copied the 
answers.  He had a lot of homework that week
and was sick of it.  We talked about how this was
cheating--basically himself.  Jacob eventually 
feels guilty when he has done something wrong 
and then tells us.  
So at 9 p.m. that night Jason went over the test
material with him so he could be ready.  He did 
know most of it, but needed help.  He did well on
the test.

Jason taking a break while I make my
grocery list.
MarySue left to go help Jenny on the 15th of March.  She was gone 2 weeks.  One of the Saturdays Karen texted Jacob to see if he wanted to go over to Grandpa's with Robbie, Grace and Lilly for pizza.  He went over and while he was there Grandpa gave him $100.  He generously gives each grandchild $100 for their 16th birthday.  Jacob loved that!

The following day, Sunday, we had Jason's cousin (Roy and Vina's son), Brent, and his 2 sons, Kenny and Ren, over for a family dinner. 

They had flown in that morning to go skiing during the week up at Solitude.  They are so nice!

The next day Brent texted Jason and invited them up, to where they were staying, to have dinner, swim etc.  Jason and Jacob went up and Jacob had a really fun time.  Too bad they don't live closer! 

Jason had a cold that weekend and sat away from the family.

Open wide!

 Time for braces!  We were going to start this 2 years ago, but things like the orthodontist only being in office 1x a month made me hesitate.  Then Jacob started to have jaw popping problems so we decided to try and fix that first.  

He has had a night mouth guard for a little over a year and it has helped, but not fixed it.  

In the meantime I've taken him to other orthodontist consults and finally decided to go with one out of network.  It is more expensive, but it is up the street (which I love--the in network is in Taylorsville and he is only in office there 1 day a week), and they have a very good reputation.  Fingers crossed.  
Putting glue on the teeth

Grabbing each little brace with tweezers

Setting the brace in place

Brand new look!!

Saturday, March 23rd!  Jacob's 16th Birthday!!  It began as he likes it....with Swedish pancakes in the family room watching TV.  We then opened gifts.  This year Jason and I decided to try and not do an electronic birthday.  He opened Lucky Charms cereal, socks, pickleball paddles/balls and new headphones.  

At the beginning of the month Jason and I went to our Republican caucus.  It was kind of difficult to get in due to the long line, but once we were in with our precinct it was fine.  They nominated State delegates to go to convention and then County delegates to go to convention.  Jason and I were both nominated as county delegates.  

On Saturday, after Jacob's breakfast and gift opening, we headed to the Meet and Greet for the Republican candidates.  We had both heard from some of the candidates, but it was nice to have them all in one location to talk to.  This was from 10 a.m. - Noon at American Prep Academy.

After that we headed to Jared's for lunch.  Hannah and Stephen were in town with the kids for a day and we all went over to see them.  
We were able to meet the cute new baby Marshall and Karen brought an ice cream cake to celebrate Jacob's birthday.  When we got there Janette, Emma and Abby were getting out of the car and yelled, "Happy Birthday Jacob!"  
Getting ready to blow
out the candles


Huff and puff



Getting ready
After lunch we went home to meet Elias and Jaxon.  They came over for Jake's bday party.  They headed down to American Fork to play paintball.

Load 'em up!

As Jason captioned this one..."Ahhh, the 
sound of heavy metal, smell of 

Heading to play

Prep area

After playing they came home to show me their welts.  ;)  They had a fun time!
They had pizza for dinner, played video games to their hearts content, and then had birthday cake.  

The day before Easter we went to Jared's for spring rolls, musubi, and Easter egg dying.  There was also the grand opening of Chips--a new cookie place over by Jared's.  Grace really wanted to go so I drove us over and we all got a free cookie.  They were good, but almost too thick and gooey.  Had fun getting them.  

Easter Sunday I hid the eggs for Jacob to find.  He found the first ones pretty easily.  

Then he was stumped for the last egg.  He looked all over and finally found it!   

Hidden between the boxes!

Speaking of boxes...right now our dining room is storing our 2 Adirondack chairs, lawn swing and new BBQ.  We don't have places to put them until we set them up, so they ended up here.  

Jacob, Garrett, Amber Olivia, Makenna (David's 
niece), Kolton and Julianna

Jason, Jen, Amy, Tanner, Chris, Lucy, Barry,
Linda and Mom

After church we went down to Heidi's for dinner and to celebrate Mom's 85th birthday. 
Its official!  Jacob has a driver's license!!   After we got home he left for Jaxon's house to show him.