Thursday, April 30, 2020

April Covid-19 Total Shut Down

 April has been a month of total lockdown.

This picture is a spahgetti dinner I tried with a sauce that was with garlic rather than traditional Italian flavors.  Jacob does not like Italian seasoning and thus does not ususally like spahgetti.  He will at least usually eat it, but this time he told us it was actually good.  Jason and I laughed knowing that it was probably due to lack of Italian seasoning.

Speaking of dinners....on the 4th I wrote the following note so I wouldn't forget:
"Tonight at dinner I was telling Jacob and Jason how much I loved them.  Then thinking about them I got a little teary eyed.
Jason said to Jacob, "Look at Mom, she's tearing up."  Then he countinued, "Just think what this would be like at Mylee's house--6 girls!"  Jacob shrugged and responded straight faced, "Flooded!" 
It was so funny!
 General Conference was different this year in that they didn't hold it in the Conference Center.  Because of Covid everyone needs to be socially distanced so they held it in a small auditorium.  It was still very good.

Covid brought home haircut for Jacob.  It didn't turn out too badly.  Not completely even, but good enough for being home bound.

 An orienteering company put together an orienteering map for Dimple Dell reservoir.  We went up on a Saturday afternoon and did the map.  Some flags were harder to find than others, but we did it!

The weather was really nice through April....nice, but no mixed blessings.  Great for being outside on lock down, but not good for water supply.
We tried a fire pit one night and it started to sprinkle.  We sent the picture to our friends the Catheys and Tom asked if Jacob and I were trying to socially distance while doing the firepit.  I responded I was just trying to socially distance from the smoke and smell that comes with it.

Here are some pictures from Easter Sunday.  Jacob still hunts for eggs and dinner was really good!

During this time I was going through some old pictures.  Ran across this one from around 1994.  Since I had lunch with April and Carla in March it was fun to pull this out.  

We have done a lot of Zoom calls.  Zoom Ward Council, Zoom Sunday School a couple of times a momth.  Those have been really good!  We also do Zoom SS with Joy and Mathew's family.

Since it was so nice, weather wise, Jacob began pulling out the tent to read.  From there we watched the new neighbors, across the streeet, redo their front and backyards.  They got a ton done in a short amount of time!

 My friend Marcia connected us with a guy who sells patio furniture at a discount.  We got this 11' umbrella and it is great to have!
A dinner outside

We had our valve box moved away from the house  into the grass area.  That was a job! 

Jacob had online school for the last 8 weeks.  Here is his work station.

Covid also has introduced the use of face masks.  I wear them to the grocery store (I don't really go anywhere else).  When I come home I take Lysol wipes and wipe down all the containers, wash the produce...It is a pain!!  I'm all paranoid about germs and how long it lasts on surfaces and what surfaces.  Ugh!
Jacob grabbing a snack.

 With homeschool has come math tutoring.  Jacob is very reisitant to help of most kinds from us.  So it was a rough go at times.

During this month I have walked with Marcia and Sherrie M-S.  Have gotten tons of miles in.  My shoes have worn out!

We have very pretty views and sidewalk art abounds!

The official lock down started on Monday, March 16th.  2 days later we woke up at 7 a.m. to a 5.7 earthquake.  This month we had another rather large one too.
 Scouts has contiued online.
More looking back

 Jason was given an alotment to buy a new desk.  He got a sit stand desk and so we had to get his old one out.  He ended up cutting it up and made a side desk drawer to use since the new desk didn't have one.

First watermelon of the season.  Wasn't bad.

Mom's 81st birthday was on the 16th.  We wanted to go over and visit her, but the weather was too cold to sit outside.  So the next week we all went and sat on her lawn.  Had a fun time!

When things shut down everyone was buying bottled water, toilet paper etc.  Store shelves were empty of some products.  Costco finally got a shipment in of toilet paper!

Family Zoom meeting

 Shut down has been OK, but boring.  It seems that things will open a little at the beginning of May.  That is good because this has shut down the economy--which is horrible!  People out of work, crude oil was selling for negative amounts because no one is driving.  Resturant business is hit the hardest, but are trying with curbside takeout.  It is so sad what it has done!  Airline industry is hit hard because no one is flying and it will be a while before it is back to normal.  We can't make any vacation plans because you have to worry about staying away from others.  :(

For the earth this has been a positive. Places that have had smog etc. are cleared up.
Karen brough donuts one morning.  Yum!