Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday!

March began with my birthday. We went to my parent's house to celebrate Jacob's, my brother-in-law, David's, and my birthdays.

The next week we went to Jason's family's and celebrated Jacob's, Sarah's (our niece) and my birthdays. It has been a month of celebrations!

Today is Jacob's 2nd birthday. Amazing that 2 years have passed! I remember so well the Easter Sunday he was born. We were at Josh and Irina's house for Easter dinner with Jason's family. I was in line to get food and my water broke. We were in Orem and headed up to the hospital in Sandy. We arrived at 6 p.m. and he was born at7:39. From this... to this...

Today Jacob had pancakes for breakfast. We have been trying to cut down the use of his sippy cup, but today Mom let him have it when needed.
He got some new sandals, intended for summer, but he wanted to wear them out when we went shopping.

When dad got home he opened his presents. He got several sets of clothes and loved his basketball shirt the most. He got a book that mom had made and his favorite present was his new airport set. He loved that! At this rate, before I know it I'll be blogging about him leaving on a mission!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Froggy Addiction

Jacob's b-day is tomorrow, but we have celebrated it with family during the month of March (I'll post all of that, hopefully, tomorrow). One of his gifts was a Leap Frog DVD called Let's Go To School. He LOVES, did I say LOVES, it!! He wants to watch it several times a day (he calls it Froggies) to which I tell him that the Froggies need to sleep. (There are lots of things in his life right now that I tell him have to sleep when he can't have them.)

When he watches he either likes to sit on his chair or the couch.

Makes a mom proud to see that glazed look, doesn't it? :) When not sitting he is dancing to the music.

It has caused me to have the Froggy DVD tunes playing through my head at all hours of the day and NIGHT!! I love the night part...makes it so easy to sleep..."Come on and join the learning factory," or "The calendar, now we know the months of the year..." I am proud to say that I know my letters (names AND sounds), numbers (up to 20), days of the week, months of the year and seasons. I guess I am ready for school now!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Cookies, Shoes, and Cars

I've been behind on posting lately, so there are several posts today. :)

Notthing like a good chocolate chip cookie!

Jacob loves to put on our shoes. Here he tries on my boots and Jason's Sunday shoes.

Jacob LOVES his cars. He carries them around and if a free hand is needed to do something else, he tucks them under his chin. He eats with them and sleeps with them.(Please note a car in each hand.) Can't get enough of them!

Amazing What Highlights Can Do For a Girl!

I didn't start to highlight my hair until my late 20's early 30's. Once I did I began to look around and realized how MANY women color their hair in some sort of fashion. Before that it never dawned on me. I LOVE getting highlights and it is amazing how good I feel when I get my hair done!

As I age I notice that my hair is flat without the chemical change from highlights. It has been since October that I had my last appointment and I had gone just a little too long without having my hair done. I was dying to get in for a cut and color! I showed up and my hair guy (who is on time, keeps his appts., etc.) said, "Didn't you cancel your appointment?" I wanted to say, "Does my hair look like I'd want to even think about canceling my appt.?" Apparently someone had erased my name and scheduled someone else in my place. Luckily Bret was done with his previous client and could get me going before the replacement girl came in. He is a great guy and very good at what he does!

When I was done I felt like a new woman! I felt young again! I went home and asked Jason what he thought and he said he really coulndn't tell a difference. What??? He couldn't tell? Granted, when I color my hair I don't go from black to platinum blonde, but couldn't he see that my roots were no longer flat? That my hair now shone rather than looking dead and lifeless? Couldn't he see it in my face that I was now 10 years younger, at least until it grew out again? :)

Oh, well. I could tell. I could see the fluff back in my hair, which put a bounce back in my step and that is what mattered. It was worth EVERY penny spent!! Even if you can't tell, humor me and tell me how fluffy it looks! ;)

Spring Is In the Air

The ground hog DEFINITELY saw his shadow this year and winter has dragged far too long into spring! My birthday is in March and I love that because, usually, the weather is beginning to warm up a bit. But this year it has continued to be cold and even snowed yesterday--I know we need the water, but I am ready for sun and today we have sun! It is even supposed to reach 60 degrees by mid week! YEA!

I can tell spring is on it's way when the globe willow trees start to bud. If you really pay attention, they are the tree that looks like this, while the other trees still look like this. (Those pictures were taken the same day.) Then before you know it, all the trees look like this. It is easy to go from winter to spring without even knowing it, but pay attention this year...look at the trees now and watch how they turn into spring over the next few weeks. It is amazing!