Monday, December 31, 2018


December was a busy month. It started out with a bang with Malia and Jayson Jaquish getting married! December 1st in the Payson temple.  It was a cold, but beautiful day.  They were married at 11 a.m.  We then took family pictures.
At 2:30 we were seated for the ring ceremony which began at 3 p.m.  David's dad, Mike Brady, officiated at the ring ceremony.

After the ring ceremony we had the wedding lunch at 3:30.  After the lunch we went to Mom's to wait until the reception at 6:30 p.m.

In December we had some snow.  There Jacob is playing at a friend's house.
Jaxon and Alex Nef with Jacob sledding

I was going through some old things and found this newspaper article from January first grade year.  This was Joy, Me, Wendy Roberts and Linda Ferrari riding the bus.

We had our annual friends Christmas party at Chris Sorensen's house.

Front: Tina Ackerman, Steve Smith, Lori Harward, Tori Potestio, Chris Sorensen
Middle: Brenda Reese, Sherry Jones, Me, Elroy Vogler
Back: Paul Sorensen, Lloyd Jomes, Clark White

In December Jacob sang in Sacrament meeting with a small group of kids.  They did pretty well.  Mom and Erin came to hear them and stayed for dinner.

We decorated Ginger bread houses at Jared and Stephanie's.

Lego's at the library

Jacob's class had the chance to see 1 act of the Nutcracker ballet.  I was able to go with him to to see it.  So fun!  At least for me.  I think ballerinas are so graceful!

On Sunday, the 20th Roy and Vina, Jason's Aunt and Uncle from Hawaii came to spend Christmas with the family. They didn't stay with any of us, but rather in a hotel nearby.

They brought their son Corey, his wife Erin and their triplets.  Autumn, Tasha and Mia.  They are 6 and have a ton of energy!

Jason, Jared, Stephanie, Robbie, Dan, Emma, Abby,
Lilly and Autumn
Sunday dinner was at our house.
Jacob, Mia, Tasha, Randy, Irina and Stephen

Irina, Josh, Karen, Aunt Vina, Randy, Jared

MarySue, Jenny, Jacob, Stephen

Corey, Uncle Roy, Erin

Kids playing in the basement

Abby not sure what to do with all the commotion

Corey, Erin, Emma, Randy, Irina, MarySue, Linde, Stephanie, Lilly, Abby, Jacob, Jenny
Back: Josh, Jason, Jared, Roy, Karen, Robbie

Monday Josh and Irina took them to Big Springs to sled.

Monday night we had dinner at Randy's and then we went home and had Christmas Eve.  I had made Jason and Jacob sleep pants for Christmas and Jared made a t-shirt to go with it for Jacob.
Santa came!!

New bike pump

Flip camera and slippers from Gr. Safsten
Gaming headphones

After opening our gifts we went to Randy's where Santa (Karen) had left stockings for everyone.  She did such a fantastic job on all of them!!
Everyone wearing their Hawaii t-shirts from Roy and Vina.
Playing games

Irina brought some games and one had you using a slinky attached to a belt on both ends.  People wear the belt and try to move a CD disk from one end to the other. It is funny!

Here Jacob is enjoying his new pillow and headphones.  The day after Christmas Roy, Vina and crew went to Thanksgiving Point with Jared and Stephanie.  We went to the church for a Nerf gun war.

Wednesday night we had an anniversary party for Roy and Vina.  Played the Newlywed Game and Karen had made a picture frame for them.

Newlywed Game

Thursday morning we went with Catheys and Browns to Airborne to jump.
Thursday afternoon Josh, Irina, their kids, Jason, Jacob, Roy, Corey and his family went up to Alta to ski.  Had a good time, but when they were ready to go the road was closed temporarily.  So they were at the lodge for a while.  We were going to have a family dinner that night, but it ended up that some of us were at Randy's waiting while the skiers were stuck at the lodge.  

Funny thing is Irina had the crock pot with rice in her car (that she was going to bring to the dinner.  So instead they ate that while waiting to come down the mountain.

Friday we took them to Temple Square.  It was cold and not so sure how interested they were in it.  Roy and Vina had seen it before, so they didn't have questions, but Erin was curious.

Saturday morning we all met at Randy's, had breakfast and then they left.  It was great to see them.  They are so nice!!

Monday we were going to have a New Year's Eve party and Ahyou's church, but they were sick.  Instead we did ice skating in the afternoon.

Jacob showing Christian his game
Since our original plans fell through we went to Elizabeth's house and played games with them.

On to 2019!