Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Rest of June

Summer is going by so fast!  As I planned our summer months I tried to think of one thing we could do each day that would get us out of the house and that Jacob would enjoy.  I didn't want him watching TV all day, I didn't want to be constantly looking for playdates and I also did not want him knocking on our neighbors doors everyday looking for someone to play with.  So this is what was planned.

 He has taken a class at the park, near our house, on M/W afternoons for an hour and a half.  They play games, do crafts, etc.  Two of the most fun days for Jacob were the water sports day....(it has been so hot--17 days of over 100 degrees--that this felt good!), and the tie dye shirt day.

On Tuesdays we go to the movies.  The theater near us runs kids movies all summer on Tuesday or Wednesday mornings.  If you purchase tickets in advance you can see 10 movies for $5.  Not a bad deal.

On Thursdays he has a gymnastics class in the early afternoon.

In addition to this (and this is what made summer seem full) Jacob took 6 weeks of swimming lessons.  He has gotten a lot better and, up until the last week, really liked going.  Even that last week he liked it once he was in the pool, but he was tried of the getting ready and going part.  :)

We also our pass to Cowabunga and have done that several times with our friend Ryan.

Jacob has played with friends in the neighborhood.

He was able to sleep outside in a tent with dad.

We hiked Rocky Mouth and enjoyed the cooler weather up by the waterfall.

We celebrated Father's Day where Jason got some ear muffs for mowing the lawn (Jacob got some too).

Jacob started T-ball and has really liked it.                                                                                                
June 2012
June 2013

We celebrated Jason's birthday and as you can see, my cake making skills (at least with this type of cake) seem to be following a pattern.

And at the end of the month cousins came...but that is for another post.  All busy, but fun!!