Saturday, December 31, 2016

The Month of December

December began with Chevron's annual Kid's Christmas party.  This year it was at the Museum of Natural History.  Very fun!

We celebrated family birthdays at Josh and Irina's house.  Jenny, Irina and Abby's birthdays.
 Jason was traveling one week and Nefs invited us and the Cathey's over to make gingerbread houses.
 While Dad was gone Jacob and I went to Zuppas' for dinner--to help support the school.
 In November and December Jacob participated in the school Lego club.

Their team, the Pug Mobile, was 1 of 2 teams sent to the district competition.

Had the family over to dinner. Michael didn't come.

When Jason was back in town we took Trax into Salt Lake to see the Christmas lights at Temple Square.

Christmas morning with Jacob.

Stockings with candy galore!

Mummy boy in his new sleeping bag.
 Jacob got an antenna to hook his Xbox 360 to Live.

 Hoodie boys.

Jacob got the set of Harry Potter books.

Jason got exciting things like a new pillow!

 During break we went sledding with Nefs and Catheys.

 Jacob went to Airborne with Andy and Alex.  Friends from school.
Jacob and Chase went driving!

For New Year's Eve we reserved the church.  We had Nefs, Ahyous and Catheys together where we played games, the kids could play in the gym or watch videos.  The adults played games and at 10 p.m. we said Happy New Year and cleaned up.  It was a fun night!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Wow! It is December!!

August--let's see.
We got together with Debbie Kirby and her kids, Tyler, Emily and Megan at Liberty Park.

 We also went to the Lehi pool with Chase and Jaxon.

We celebrated the Olympics in Rio de Janero  by getting together at Jared and Stephanie's house to watch the opening ceremonies.  We all brought food and had a fun time!

Jacob and Jason went to the Rocky Mt. Raceways and had fun!

Jacob started 3rd grade.  It always seems to be exciting to start a new year with new teachers.  He has Mrs. Owens for English and Ms. Wu for Chinese.  I really like both of them and think they are a good fit for Jacob.


At the end of the month we had our scout pack meeting. It was a picnic with the boys playing kickball against the dads.  Dads had to play kicking and running on one foot.  It was funny!

September -  Jacob eating cereal before school.

 So happy about buying a coat for winter.  We had a long fall so for a while it didn't seem we were going to use it.

Celebrated Karen and Stephanie's birthdays.

This is about the time Dad began to struggle with his health.  Getting more tired.
 Celebrated Sally Nef's birthday.
 Adam Williams, the boy mom babysat from when he was a baby to 12 years old.  We've stayed in touch with his family over the years.  He came  to visit Dad in September and brought his wife Cynthia and little boy Carter.  It was so fun to visit with them!

Pinewood derby time!  Jacob was able to post colors at this pack meeting.

We went with Catheys and Nefs to Museum of Natural Curiosity at
Thanksgiving Point.

 Erick, Carter and Tyler came at the end of September and beginning of October for General Conf. and to see Mom and Dad.

 Had my 30th year mission reunion.  Here I am with my trainer Elsa Zayzas Shields.

Part of our original MTC group.  Kathryn King, Troy Bragger, and Jim Denton.

Me with my mission president Paul Hap Green

October.  We usually have about 3 Fridays off in this month, but this year we only had 1.  So that changed the amount of Halloween activities we normally do.

 Jacob and his classmates on Crazy Hair day for Red Ribbon week.

Had lunch with Lisa and Inez.
Mom with Dad
 Jason wearing some of the clothes we got from David and to be funny we had him do some yoga poses.

Draper's Halloween night at the park.

Over UEA we went with Jared's family and Sarah to Dinosaur land in Vernal.  Here is a fun park we played at.

Skipping rocks and then hiking to see real dinosaur tracks.

Dinosaur National Monument.  We went in to see the quarry.

 Hiking around to see petroglyphs.
No pictures of this, but we went and saw Josie's cabin.  This woman lived in this canyon for 50 years by herself.  Farmed etc.  Died when she was 90.

Hiking around Fantasy Canyon.

Having fun with cousins in the room.

Ahhhh....the jaccuzi!

Dad really started to decline at the end of October.  On the 30th Mom called me to come and help them overnight.  Joy and Heidi had been helping the previous 3 nights.  Dad was just not sleeping well and it was important to have a couple of people there to help mom if he needed to get up to use the bathroom, leaned forward in his chair, went from the chair to the bed or vs. versa.

My last picture with Dad

For the last three weeks of his life we went over to help with Dad.
He loved lemon meringue pie so I made it for him.
The last week I had a cold and couldn't see him.  He passed away on Thursday, November 17th at 7:35 a.m.  Mom, Joy, Matthew and Heidi were with him.

Chris and family arrived the next day.  Kristina and family came Sunday and Erick and family came Monday.

The funeral was Tuesday, November 22, at 11 a.m. in Mom and Dad's church house.
Joy, Erick and Chris spoke.  Shane read a letter Kristina had sent to Dad back in May.  It was a really nice funeral and fun to see some of our California friends.  Viertels, Chatauvers, Steve Schow, and Cornelsons.

 Wednesday we started our drive to California.  Here we are at Donner Pass.  We drove first to Reno and stayed the night.  Thursday morning we left and drove to Fremont where we had Thanksgiving dinner with Aunt Penny and her family.

Linda Ferrari came--my friend since kindergarten
 They were so kind to fix dinner and have us!  It was fun to visit!

Friday morning we went to Golden Gate National Cemetery where Dad was buried.  They had a color guard present a flag to Mom.  Chris conducted, I spoke along with Matthew and David.

Dad was buried with Christopher Jacob.

 After the funeral we drove down to Redwood City, where we grew up, to see our old house.  It has changed A LOT, but it was fun to be there as a group and show the kids.  The owners weren't home--probably for the best.  What would they think with 40 people walking up the driveway??

I have a great father who gave me a great life.  I know he is in a better place and I so look forward to the day when I can be with him again.  At this season of Christmas I am so thankful for Christ's birth and what He did for all of mankind.  That because of Him we can be together again as families.