Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Wedding Gifts

Do you have some wedding gifts still around that can't be returned or re-gifted? We do. Here it is. We can make our own margaritas. One of Jason's co-workers gave it to him knowing he doesn't drink. Jacob found it and wanted to use it...so we gave it a "shot.":)


Mowing the lawn
Learning to ride your new bike!
Eating Popsicles
Bike riding with Dad
Playing in the water...
...with friends.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Camping on Antelope Island

In May Jason decided to do a test run with Jacob in his tent. May was too rainy to do it outside, so we pitched the tent in the family room. Overall it went pretty well and signaled that we could go camping and expect to sleep for most of the night.

On the Friday of Memorial Day weekend we went camping out on Antelope Island. When we arrived at the park there was a sign that said, "Biting gnats are out." They meant it! When we got out of the car they were all over. But we forged on, got out our tent, etc. and got set up. After setting up we went down to the "beach" and then drove out to see the buffalo. They are so big and amazing!!

Dinner that night was interesting. The meal was fine, but the gnats were all over. We were one of the first to set up camp and we watched the campers at the next sight over, pull up, open their camper door, the teenage daughter stepped out and immediately began screaming and flailing her arms as she encountered the gnats for the first time. It was so funny! We took turns fanning each other to keep them away while we ate. Finally Jason had us put our shirts up over our heads to keep them out of our ears and off our necks. It helped quite a bit and we were a sight to behold. I wasn't cold in this picture, just trying to keep them off of me!
That night the wind kicked up a little bit which got rid of the gnats and we enjoyed our smores by the camp fire.

That night went pretty well for sleeping too. Jacob slept until about 4 a.m. and the began trading sleeping spots--first cuddling with me and then moving over to Jason's bag. Not too bad for our first camping experience as a family.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Second Guessing

Do you ever do something and then, after it is done, you think of all the ways you could have done it better? I do.

I think sometimes about all I have done, my mission, my career and now as a mother. In the moment you do the best you can, but looking back you can always see ways you could have done better.

My job is a good example. I worked for 19 years and I still identify myself with that--probably more than I identify myself as a mother. When you work there are markers of immediate success and with education there is always a beginning (September) and an end (May)of the school year.

I belong to the BYU School of Education Alumni Committee and yesterday we had a meeting. The HR director for Provo District is on the committee and I talked to him for a few minutes afterward. The principal position for my old school, Spring Creek, is open again. I knew about it and have thought about what it would be like to go back. He asked if I knew about the opening, I told him I did and it was a little tempting. He said that if I wanted to come back they would take me right now to fill the position.

That was a great thing to hear. You always wonder (at least I do) if you reapplied for your old job if they would take you back? I have looked back on my job and thought of all the things I could have done better and the new perspective that I have now as a mother that would add to what I do.

Then I think about Jacob. If I went back to work he would be at daycare a minimum of 10 hours a day! He would miss me and I would miss him. When it comes down to it, for all the positives that come with work ($$$, retirement, etc.), there are too many things I would miss with Jacob and I look forward to getting involved with him in his own school.

Hearing that they would take me back at work is nice because even though there are things I didn't do, they did value and appreciate the things I did do. Kind of nice to know :)