Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I Don't think I'd Make It

Yesterday we woke up to no water. We have bottles filled up, but it is a pain to wash your hands, wash up a 2 year old, no shower, dishes sit in the sink, etc. You don't want to use too much of it for fear you'll run out (thus the dishes in the sink).

It just makes me pray that I will never have to go through ANY sort of natural (or un-natural) disaster during my lifetime. It also gives me more compassion for those who are having to go through this sort of thing, like Haiti, and it lasts for months.

I am attached to my running water, electricity, phone, etc. I am an official whimp when it comes to losing those sorts of things! How blessed we are!!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Playing at Grandma's

Yesterday I had the chance to go to lunch with 2 of my secretaries from Spring Creek, where I used to work. It was so fun to get together with them and catch up on their lives. I only remembered that I didn't take a picture as I was driving away!

Jacob was at my mom's playing with cousins. My sister, Heidi, her husband and 2 oldest kids left Wednesday for Trek. So the 4 younger ones, Linnea, Julianna, Samantha and Olivia were staying at Mom's. Jessica and Brook are also staying with her until the end of July...so Jacob had a grand time.

When I got home we went in the backyard with the hose and got a little wet.

Monday, June 21, 2010


June has been going so fast!

Jacob has been playing with friends. Here he is with Emma.

We had friends over to dinner from Shadow Ridge, where I used to live. Steve, Linda, Judy, Rick and Liesel.
It was so fun to see them and Rick was so good to play with Jacob and watch his show with him.

We had Jason's boss, Steve and Ginger over to dinner before he was transferred back to California.

I got together with some old college friends. Lisa, Inez(and her husband Eric), and Scott(and his wife Stephanie). We all met our freshman year at BYU...28 years ago. Scott just sent his oldest off to college.

Jacob tried his hand at picture taking.

For a nominal fee he would be more than HAPPY to take your family Christmas picture! If you'd like to book an appointment please comment. He is available Monday-Saturdays, except between the hours of 1-3 p.m. when he is napping. You need to nap to keep those creative juices flowing--look at the great shot he took of my dad! Doesn't it just scream "Creative Genius at work--someday I'm going to be FAMOUS and support my parents in their old age!"

We went on a small Saturday hike for a picnic.

Had Father's Day...here Dad is getting a toy helicopter (not something from Victoria's Secret. Wanted to throw him off). ;)

And through it all we have endured ,

have yet to endure ,

and must be willing to continue to endure
On the positive side, at least Jacob is learning his colors orange and white. He also LOVES trucks. So all the road construction keeps him entertained!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Me Do It!

I knew it was coming...and it is here. The "Me Do It!" phase. This week he learned the one thing I have not encouraged......to open doors.

He insists on climbing on this stool to read books with us in his bedroom, he wants to climb into his chair at the table, get into his car seat and climb into his crib...at least on that one he is wanting to get in rather than out.

I'm glad he is learning these things...makes somethings a challenge, but I'd rather not be lifting him into his chairs, opening his doors etc. when he is 25. :)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Fun in Park City

Every now and then we get calls from time share places that give you a one night stay if you listen to the "90 min." presentation. We had been to a couple of them, but once you get there, listen to the presentation (which turns into 3 hours) you barely get into your room, have dinner, get to bed and check out at 10 a.m. Not worth it.

In January they called us and we said we weren't interested because of those things. They told us they had a new program where you come up now and listen, but can then have a 2 night stay at a later time. We decided to try it (we listeded in January) and went up to Park City for the early part of Memorial Day weekend.

We arrived on Thursday, had a late dinner and tried to put Jacob to bed. He has slept in other places before and done fine, but for some reason he went to bed at 10 p.m. and work up at 1:30 a.m. I didn't want him to be loud for our next door neighbors (the next day I found out we didn't have any next door neighbors on Thursday night), so I brought him into bed with us. That is when the fun began.

You first have to understand that Jacob has never slept with us. If he wakes up at night (and won't go back to sleep) we'll hold him for a minute or rock him in the chair in his room. In the morning when he wakes up we bring him into bed to play. Well, he must have thought that bringing him into bed meant it was morning time and time to play. He would not settle down.

Finally, at 4:15 a.m., Jason got dressed and took him out on a drive. He said that when they pulled out of the garage, Jacob looked around and said, "Dark." Like it was dawning on him that it was not daytime. He fell asleep in two minutes. Jason brought him back in, tried to lay him down and he cried. So Jason sat on the couch with him and he finally settled down. That was the longest night we've ever had with him.

Friday morning we felt like you do after you've been at a slumber party and stayed up too late, but we had a fun day anyway. We walked around the property, saw the shops and stopped at this waterfall...it was a beautiful day!

Jason's brother and family were up there also, so we all went swimming in the afternoon. The pool was great. It was warm, like bath water, and the deepest section was only 3'6" which made it great with kids!

There are no pictures of me swimming...my beauty with soggy hair, make-up running down my face and my amazing body would just be too much for you to see...don't want you to feel badly that you don't look as good as me...so I'm leaving those photos out. ;)

Later we had dinner with the cousins. Here are Jacob and Mylee. Jacob, Mylee and Emma.

The next day Jacob and Jason went swimming again before we had lunch and headed home. It was fun to just get away.