Thursday, March 31, 2022


On March 5th Janette came home from the California, San Francisco/Oakland and Taiwan, Tapei missions!  It was so great to see her!

We didn't go to the airport, but met the family over at Jared's house for lunch and to visit.  

Leesa Scott, Fay Klingler, Kathleen Hefley,
Sherry Dixon, Terri Critchlow, Muthu Alletto,
Patricia Bond, Merinda Cutler

We had our Relief Society birthday party and had a fun time!  We did dinner and then circled around for Our Favorite Things gifts.  

Each of us had brought a gift less than $5.  We put our names in and Cory Isileli started.  She showed the gift she had brought and why it was one of her favorite things.  
Patricia Bond, Merinda Cutler, Terri Harris,
Meg Watson, Lauri English, Corrine Ellingson, 
Tina Memmott

Corinne Ellingson, Sherrie Anderson,
Alisha Pettey, Alane Mercado, Kristin Masters,

Alane Mercado, Kristin Masters, Rachel Richards,
Tamera Stokes, Leslie Boulow

A brother in our ward passed away at the end of February and his funeral was on March 7th.  My birthday.  

We started setting up around 1 p.m., the family got back from the burial about 2:45 and we were finished about 5 p.m.  

I was so tired!  We had planned to go out to dinner, but I was too tired....I had brought some leftovers home so we ate those and got take out from Cafe Rio the next night.  

When I arrived home people had been so kind.  Flowers from Jason, tulips from Laurie English, bottle of soap from Laura Taggart, lotion from Trish Lind.  They were all sooo sweet!
Leesa Scott, my compassionate service
leader, Karlene Gonzales, my 1st counselor.
Getting food ready to serve.

The Friday after my birthday Joy, Mom, Adrienne and Erick all came up and we went to lunch for my birthday.  Went to Village Baker.  I wish I had taken a picture!  We had a fun time!

Relaxing after a long day!


Gas line at Costco.  Looks longer ]
than it actually took to get through

At the beginning of March Russia invaded Ukraine.  It was so weird to see one country invade another country in this day and age!  Its like, who does that???  Russia's leader, Putin, wants parts of Ukraine and to dominate the country.  

As a consequence, world leaders are putting sanctions against of which is not buying oil.  This had raised our gas prices a lot.  

Trying to keep Jacob from kicking
me out of the chair


On Sunday, March 13th, we went to Janette's homecoming talk in her ward.  She did a wonderful job!  Afterward, we went to Josh and Irina's to visit and eat.  

March 23rd!  Jacob's 14th Birthday!  Yay!!  
He got up for school and opened 2 gifts.  Pop Tarts and Lucky Charms!  

That night we had poppyseed chicken for dinner and afterward he opened his other gifts. Scout pants, a camping pillow. 

A new headlamp, and a set of tools for his computer work.



About 6:30 one of his friends in the neighborhood, Itai, came over for cake, ice cream and to play video games.  He gave Jacob some Mike & Ikes and a $20 Roblox card.  He loved that!!

We're so glad he is part of our family!  Love the boy!!

The last weekend the YM went down to Cedar City to Bishop Watson's family cabin.  Goofing off, playing in the snow etc.  He had a good time, but stayed up WAY too late and was very tired when he came home.
This last Sunday we celebrated March and April family birthdays.  Had everyone, but Stephen and Hannah over.  

Josh and Irina told us about their house hunting trip to England.  They couldn't find anything, but Josh is moving in a few weeks and will stay at an Air B and B until he can find something.  Then Irina and the kids go at the end of May.  Will be an interesting adventure!

More Mike & Ikes for Jacob!

For Young Men's they went trap shooting.  Jacob had fun!  Jacob's shoulder had a bruise from the gun's kick back.