Monday, July 18, 2016

Family Reunion - Outer Banks

This year we went back to the Outer Banks, N.C. for our family reunion.  We had planned to do it about  a year ago, but last July Dad started struggling with his health.  As the year progressed it got much worse and in the end, he and Mom couldn't go.  Because of this Erick and Heidi did not go either.

Jason, Jacob and I flew out to Baltimore on Friday, July 1st to stay with Chris and family.  Then to drive down with them on Sunday.
 Making lunches, packing the coolers, and getting ready to leave.

Packing the car.  Amazing how much food you pack for a week!  Even if you do plan to buy some there!

Hanging out with Garrett in the car.

 We stopped for lunch along the way.
 We arrived and headed down to the beach since we arrive a little bit before we could check in.
It was as good as we remembered.  :)

Cute little Christian was there along with his Grandma Hollingshaus.  That seems weird that Joy is a grandma!
 We ate well again.

 Chris led FHE on Monday night.  We did Minute to Win It like 2 years ago.

Cute Christian with cute Jacob.

Jason taking a break from boogie boarding and the sun!

Jacob loved boogie boarding this year!

 Joy had a game called Kahoots.  This is where people had to guess the correct answer to trivia about our family.

There was kissing.....and we celebrated Elizabeth's 26th birthday on Wednesday, the 6th.

 Celebrating the 4th.

 Family pictures were taken on the beach on Thursday night.

Jacob went out a little too far and got wet.  He and Conner had a ball out there!

Smile Chris!

All the cousins.
 We played games.
Playing pool was a big hit!
 Family talent night.

Getting up to see the sun rise.
It was a great trip!

 .....and we came home to Chris' house and mice!  They had been all over the kitchen.  So while Jen helped Mallory pack for EFY the next day Brook, Stephanie, Amy and I cleaned the kitchen and make dinner.  What a job!!

But we did get it clean and left the next day to head home.