Monday, January 26, 2009

His First Hair Cut!

My baby is growing up! Last Saturday I finally took the scissors to the hair over his ears. You can see here....
how long it was getting.

I thought I'd just take a bit off around the ears, but once that was done he looked like he had a mullet because the back now looked extra long. With Jason's help, we trimmed the back together. All in all not bad considering we were doing it on a squirming 10 month old.
In a way I hated to cut his hair....makes him look older. Still cute, cute, cute, but weird to think he is old enough to do that. I guess I should be thankful he has hair! :)

Daily Tasks

So, are we glad that we even bothered with a bib?

Then there is the old diaper change routine. I am amazed at how Jacob can twist his little body around while I'm trying to change him. On days when he doesn't want to be changed, the best solution we have found is to put your feet on his shoulders to hold him flat on the floor while you remove the diaper and put a new one on. Ah, the simple solutions to life's dilemas.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Confessions of a Carbonation Addict

Since I decided not to go back to Dr. Pepper (I quit when I was pregnant) I have tried other favorites are A&W rootbeer, Sunkist and Martineli's Sparkling Cider. I have come to realize that it is ALL in the carbonation. (As you'll notice with the above picture....A&W, Sunkist, it is in the same "family" as Dr. Pepper...maybe there is some evil addictive plot...)

I know how bad it is for your bones, etc., but man, that first gulp, as it burns going down your throat...Mmmmmmmm...yummy! If my hubby, Jason, and I are sharing a drink, he usually lets me take the first gulp. Now isn't that true love!!

Then there is this really good chocolate chip bundt cake. I made it a few days ago--let me tell you--I could eat it all by myself. Makes me sound like I have a sad, sad, life. Really I don't...I just have addictions. Admit it--you have an addiction of some sort too. :) Here is the recipe:

1 chocolate cake mix
1 6oz pkg. of chocolate instant pudding
4 eggs
1/2 c. veg. oil
1 c. water
Mix all of the above together and add chocolate chips.

Put in a greased and floured bundt cake pan and bake on 350 for 50-60 mins. Mmmmm, Mmmmm good.
Not a picture of the bundt cake, but it gives you the idea.

All of the above is SOOOO great for your waist line! ;)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A New President of the United States

Today the first black President of the United States was sworn in. I didn't vote for him and I don't agree with some of his policies, but I respect the office of the President and will be interested to see what he can accomplish.

I do think this is a historic day for the U.S. and for blacks (or African Americans). As a caucasion (or Swedish American if you are trying to constantly delinitate where you come from) I can't imagine never having seen someone of my own color elected president. As a causcasion born to middle class America, even though I am female, I have never felt discriminated against. So I will never truly understand what some people have gone through here in the U.S.

For them this is amazing. In their life times some can remember when blacks could not drink from the same water fountain as whites, sit anywhere they wanted to on a bus, or become anything they wanted to become. In my life time none of those things have ever been an issue for me. I always knew that I just had to work hard in order to get what I wanted. For some, this has not always been the case--regardless of how hard they worked.

I think it is good that our country is moving in a direction where we can elect a person of any race and/or a woman. I may not agree with them, but a man or a woman can do a good job, regardless of race or gender. I'm glad Jacob will, hopefully, grow up with that as his world. He'll probably never know anything different.

I also think it sets a good example for those who feel picked on and like they never get a break. Obama does show that if you are willing to work for what you want, you can achieve it--regardless of your race.

I liked what he said in his speech, "In reaffirming the greatness of our nation, we understand that greatness is never a given. It must be earned. Our journey has never been one of shortcuts or settling for less. It has not been the path for the faint-hearted — for those who prefer leisure over work, or seek only the pleasures of riches and fame. Rather, it has been the risk-takers, the doers, the makers of things — some celebrated but more often men and women obscure in their labor, who have carried us up the long, rugged path towards prosperity and freedom......Time and again these men and women struggled and sacrificed and worked till their hands were raw so that we might live a better life. They saw America as bigger than the sum of our individual ambitions; greater than all the differences of birth or wealth or faction."

So, I hope people were listening and realize we do have to work for what we have and think practically before we spend foolishly.

Will be an interesting 4 years.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Lunch Out

Back: Mom's Aunt Pauline, Allison (Pauline's daughter), Jacob and Me, Grandma B., Mom
Front: Bastian, Rachael, Westin, Olivia, Heidi

On Tuesday, I went down with Jacob to visit my parents. While we were there we went to Spanish Fork to have lunch with my mom's cousin, Rachael. While Rachael and my mom are cousins, Rachael is acutally younger than me. She made "Cafe Rio" salads and it was delicious. Had a great time! One of the perks to being a stay at home can come and go places as you please (almost). :)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The New Year

Amazing that it is 2009! We have been slow to blog due to having a cold. But we'll catch you up on some of our life.
The new year was brought in at our house, in bed, alseep. Felt great! But before that we went to Jason's sister's house and spent some time with his family. Jacob loved the rocking horse!

During the holidays we hung out with dad, who had vacation days...(dad taking the picture)

I love this picture because sometimes Jacob fights taking a nap. He'll fuss for a few minues in his crib and then sink down and fall asleep with his head on his this.

But mainly our life has been routine with naps, bath time, playing with new toys, and reading books(when he wasn't trying to play with plants, electrical plugs and the phone).