Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Soccer Season

Tuesday night Jacob had his first game. It was so funny to watch a bunch of 4 year olds play!

They began with stretches and then started the game with 5 from each team facing each other. They put the ball in the middle of them and blew the whistle. The other team started to go for the ball and kicked it. Our guys all stood there in a line and stared at it before they realized they needed to go after it too. Once they got the hang of it they were pretty good--for 4 year olds!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Tonight getting Jacob ready for bed, we knelt down to say prayers. His prayers, if he had his way would be, "Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for the day. Please bless us. In the name...." We are trying to get him to expand what he says. Even at the table when we are blessing the food and the food is sitting right there in front of him he says,"Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for the day. Please bless us. In the name...." He also does not like us to interject and have him add things to his prayers.

So tonight I asked him to think of something to be thankful for and something to ask for. He said, "Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for today. Please help Mom to be not be so demanding. In the name..."

Jason told me that earlier in the evening Jacob was outside with Jason and he told him, "Dad why don't you go back inside and stop bothering me" (he is young enough that we follow him around outside). Then they came inside and Jason told him to take off his shoes. Jacob started to say, "Dad help me take off my shoes they are double knotted!" "Dad, get me some milk and some juice!" "Dad pull of my socks!" (They had been playing soccer.) Jason told him, "Jake you need to stop being so demanding." Jacob asked what demanding was. Jason told him it was being bossy and told him if he wanted things he needed to ask nicely.

So I'm guessing I need to start asking him to do things more nicely?????
Ah, children.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Been a While

For the few who read my blog...sorry it has taken me a while to get back to this!!

March started out with snow and Jacob had a great time sledding with his cousins.

Then we had birthdays. First are Dad and Jacob bringing me my presents.. Then I let Jacob be the photographer while I opened.
Later in the month we celebrated Jacob's birthday.
Earlier in the day he had a friends party at Jungle Jim's. The boy next door, Bridger, has his birthday the day after Jacob, so we did a double birthday party together.

I think the boys had fun.

That night we celebrated at home and with my family.

Big day for one little boy! Can't believe he is 4!!!

This month we have gone to the library; had playgroups at the dinosaur museum, Discovery Gateway, at home; and went to the zoo!

It was warm enough, later in the month, to roast marshmallows and have smores!

One morning dad and Jacob cooked breakfast outside.
Jacob loved it.

It is a good thing I took pictures or I would never remember what we did! My mind is going..that is what happens at 48!