Monday, October 19, 2020

Septmeber and October

 September was a quiet month.  School started, Covid cases went up.  But on Tuesday, September 1st, Janette went through the Provo temple for her endowments before she went on her mission on the 23rd.  It was so nice to go through with her and some things have changed.  

After the temple we went to Josh and Irina's house for lunch.  Janette has now started her home MTC and hopefully heads to Taiwan next month.  

Got together with Judy, Margaret, Le Ann and Haeli for an outdoor birthday celebration for Haeli and Le Ann.  Fun to see everyone.  

Relief Society - we've been tring to do doorbell drop bys to see how people are doing.  We stand 6 feet from the door just to say hi.  The weather has been really good and enabled us to continue now into fall.  

At the end of the month we had our mission reunion.  It was done on Zoom and had 120 people participating.  It was fun to see some of the people and it was all done in Spanish.  I could understand most of it still.

Covid has changed many things.  You go into any stores and there are plastic shields in front of any cash register, masks...then those who don't want to wear masks.  We do Sacrament meeting in person and then head home for Sunday School on 1st and 3rd Sundays and Elders Quorum and Relief Society 2nd and 4th Sundays.  

At the same time you have Trump and Biden running for president of the U.S.  I really don't care for either of them.  Will be interesting to see who wins.

On to October

First Friday Jason and I took Jacob to school and then headed up to Gloria falls.  I had seen several people post about it on Facebook and wanted to see it.  It is beautiful!  

I feel like I need to see stuff I'm interested in now before I get any older and can't do it.  My hiking skills were minimal at best before and only getting worse.  Not fair when you have the time and money your body can't always do it. As evidenced in picture below.

As we were hiking down, I was trying to step down on a section, began to slide just a bit and grabbed at some branches.  They didn't hold well and I ended up sliding into them and they cut my neck and face.  Looks worse than it actually was.  Basically scrapes.  Nothing deep.  hi mom bye mom

On Monday, the 12th, I received an email stating that Jacob had been exposed to someone at school who came down with Covid.  So he was quarentined and couldn't go back to school until the 23rd unless he was tested (but not before the 15th) and came back negative.  It was fall break so he only had to do online school 2 days.  We then spent Thursday and part of Friday tring to get him caught up. Ugh!
Got the test reults back (negative) on the 19th and took him to school.