Friday, June 30, 2017


For a summer that I was worried about having enough to do with Jacob, we are managing quite well.

Wu Laoshi

It was so hot at the end of school we went to Cowabunga and to this pool before school was out!  Here are Jacob and Chase on the diving boards.  Jacob's first time diving.

One of Jacob's 3rd grade teachers, Mrs. Owens was leaving the school and they had a going away party for her over at Draper Park.  Kids could come and say good-bye and visit with both teachers.
Mrs. Owens
Field day was hot and LONG!

 The 3rd grade did a patriotic program~~it talked about the pledge of allegiance and what it means.  They even sang, "Freedom Isn't Free", a song I sang with Primary at a Bicentennial program back in 1976 at the Circle Star Theater in San Carlos, CA.  I remembered the words and could sing along to it!

 End of School year swimming party at Dalton's house again.  It was only while I was sitting there that I discovered that Jacob wasn't in his class this year.  He was last year and got an invitation so when saw the invitation this year I didn't even think about if he was in Dalton's class or not.  Dalton had given it to Jacob at recess.  He had a good time.

 Ah, Jon Huntsman Day at This Is The Place State park.  We try to do this annually with Debbie and her kids.  This year I invited Wendy to come along with the kids too.  Free day is always good.
Riding the train

Free ice cream.  I got a missile popsicle which reminded me of my yourth

The weekend after school got out there was an Outdoor Adventure day at a shooting range.  Wendy told me about it and we told Jared and Stephanie--so we all went.

We rode ATVs....
Jacob shooting a shot gun
 We shot guns.  I liked the 22s with the nice scope the best.
Jason and the shot gun.   He did well.

Jacob and Jaxon
 They had a small pool set up where you could kayak.

Shooting an old fashioned musket
ATV riding with Ashlyn

I include this picture of a glass bottle in front of the recycle bin because if you know me you know I am a rule follower and do not vandalize things.   But I get a great amount of satisfaction throwing glass bottles into the recycle bin and hearing them shatter.  In fact, I love it.  It is the small deviant side of me that never has a chance to come out.

Here are most of the kids that have played together for years.  Chase, Ryan, Nick, Jacob, Katelyn, Gabe, Kyle, Connor.

 This was one morning before swimming lessons.  Jacob got the milk out for cereal and was swinging it over his head. The lid was not on tight and this is the end result.  :)

School ended and swimming lessons began.  He is working in the deep end this year.

We went to 7 Peaks with Debbie and the kids.  Jacob went down this slide on the yellow skimming  seats.  I helped him carry the seat up 3 times -- they are heavy.  He had fun.

 Father's Day.  Always have a hard time figuring out what to get Jason. This year he bought his own gifts. A pair of gym shorts and a wrench.

Jason's mom's side of the family had a siblings reunion this year.  So we had everyone over for dinner Sunday night when they got back into town.

 To beat the heat we went to a splash pad for FHE with the Nefs.

Here we are at Taylorsville Days waiting for the fireworks to begin.  It is always a party for Jacob when he gets a soda!
Doing OK on my own.

The following day we went to they Daybreak neighborhood for their luau. They had activities like riding a circular bike--with 6 people...
Here comes Mylee

 They also had paddle boarding.  I wanted to try it and was OK at it....until Mylee got close, bumped into me and I fell in that gross lake!  Once you were out there on the lake it was hard to get back in because of the current.  That is what I was trying to do  before I fell.
Down I went
Getting towed to shore

Jacob and Jason had no problems.
Holdon, Daniel, Cherie, Kim, Becky
 Andersons were moving at the end of June and in the meantime, Mannings put their home up for sale also.

We decided to have an ice cream social to say good-bye to them.
Ben and Jen Higley, Brenda Anderson, Melissa Ceballos, Jon Anderson

John and Ann Manning, Dion, Jason

Jason, Charles and Nicole Woods

This is the garden I wrote about in May.  It is looking pretty sad.
 We've played with friends this month.
 Chase's last day with us playing before they moved.

2 days later I took Jacob down to Orem to play with Chase in his new home.