Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas 2009

If you remember my previous post, from a few months ago, you know that my kitchen chairs have been laying on their sides to keep Jacob from climbing up and getting on the table. Well, he has found a way around that. Needless to say, the chairs are back up and we just continue to get him down.

For Christmas we headed down to Arizona to visit Kristina and family. We had a fun time playing with cousins and Santa even came to visit.

Christmas morning we sat by the stairs, with Dad, and on the stairs, with the cousins, in anticipation of going down to see what Santa had brought.
We opened stockings and presents... Jacob got a clock (he loves them), some books, an alphabet refridgerator magnet set and a farm barn with animals.

We had a fun time!

While we were there we also went on a little hike in the San Tan mountains. Erin was our backpack girl (she offered) and at one point Jacob wanted her to carry him. Couldn't resist taking a picture of her carrying everything. It was so funny!

It was a fun trip. Can't believe 2010 is upon us!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Things I am Thankful For

Amoung lots of things I am thankful for...this week it is:
1. A garage door opener. Our's quit working last weekend. It took a couple of days before Jason had time to fix it. Several days of lifting the door up and down manually makes you appreciate not having to back out, get out of the car, and into the snow to pull the door shut!

2. The weather high here yesterday was 18 degrees. Makes me SO thankful for this. If you think about people populating the earth for approximately 5000 years and having to deal with cold weather (in some parts) for that lucky are we to live right now. Heat at the touch of a button has really only been available (commonly) for about 60 years. 60 years out of 5000!! How lucky are we!!!!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Yesterday we got our first real snow of the season. It has been cold the past week, but finally snow.
We bundled him up in a snowsuit, boots, hat and gloves......and then took him out to experience it.
Once outside, he walked around and followed Jason as he shoveled snow. We tried making a snow angel with him, but he was unimpressed. :) It was so funny to watch him try to walk in it. I think he'll like it more as he gets older, but after 10 minutes he was done. So fun to see him experiencing stuff like this!! Thanks for the snowsuit Kristina. Works perfectly!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Signs of independence and Festival of Trees

This summer and fall going out with Jacob has been fun. I took him places; the grocery store, the park, zoo, aquarium and all the while we could go in the stroller or grocery store cart without any problems. He was content, I was content...running errands with a toddler was good.

He now is showing more signs of independence. We went to Festival of Trees this morning. Lots to see and great tress! But Jacob was not really happy about being in the stroller. He'd sit for a while and then tell me, "Out, out, out." But there is no way I could chase him with the stroller all over the Festival. When the trees did not distract him he was not happy being strapped in.

Which means I think I'll need to move to a backpack rather than a purse. If I can't keep him in the stroller or cart I need hands free to chase him around...all the while trying to look like the Mother In Control of Her Toddler Who is Running Around (who is in charge here anyway?). :) Learing that you should never say "never." :)