Saturday, February 9, 2013

New Year, New Activities

Just some of the things we have been up to lately.

Jacob likes to pretend he is skiing.  Jason is going to try and take him up for the real thing in a couple of weeks.  You can see we are "high tech" with the ski equipment.

This past week his preschool class took a field trip to I Love To Cook Academy.  They had a great time making cookies.

Then they were able to eat them along with mini pizzas. It is a really cute place.

Jason was listening to the radio at work, one day this week, and they asked a question about which he knew the answer.  So he called in and won--never had that happen before.  He got tickets to the boat show...something we would never really pay to go and see, but fun to look at if someone else is paying.  :)
Jason likes boats anyway, but it is sooooo expensive.  They had some beautiful ones there, including a $400,000 house boat.
      Ah, the life of the rich and famous!  If it was all free, it would be fun!  :)