Monday, November 30, 2020


In the summer I saw a friend's post on Facebook about how he polished the headlights on his daughter's car.  It made such a difference I decided to try it.  

It really worked!  I think I need to go over it one more time, but I'll wait until its warmer.  

Blogger is being really werid right now.  I've already worked on this for 2 hours and then LOST everything.  I've started over and loaded the pictures, but everytime I try to move or change anything it moves the pictures, puts all of them on one side or the other.  It is nuts!  I'll have to come back and try later.   

Jacob not wanting to have a picture

We helped a sister (Karen Arthur) move.  These
wonderful sisters came to help clean.
Me, Ali Holmes, Muthu Alletto,
Leesa Scott and Teri Harris

In Oct/Nov we noticed a leak in the facuet.
We ordered new parts, first came in 
wrong finish, but finally we had all we 
needed.  Jason spent a Saturday 
afternoon getting it fixed.  

With Covid we have not been able to do a "Julie" lunch since it began to get cold.  We had planned to go one morning to Julie Spilker, but something came up and we had to change.  Luckily we didn't do it.  Her daughter came down with Covid.  A week later we met on Zoom.  Very fun!
Blah kind of day.

Walking with Sherrie and sending
a text picture to Marcia (who normally
walks with us) who was in Florida
out of the cold.

Jacob's school was quarentined for the 2 
weeks before Thanksgiving.  Here he is
doing online school.  

President Nelson asked us to post on 
social media about things we are 
thankful for.  This was one of my 
posts.  My feet!  I'm thankful they work!

Jacob trying to get Dad off the couch.
Jacob and his "evil" laugh.

Janette left for the Oakland/San Francisco mission the Tuesday before Thanksgiving.  On the way to the airport they pulled off at our house and Karen, Randy and MarySue, our family and Josh's family said good-bye to her.    She was assigned to the Tawian, Taipei mission, but is awaiting her visa.
We've been making quacamole

Chris' family was in town for Thanksgiving.  With Covid we didn't feel we could go down to Mom's. They came up for a short visit.  Chris, Jen, Stephanie with Mara, Amy and Chris, and Kelly.  So fun to visit.

Chris and Chris

Baby blowout!

"Wrapping" our door like in college.                              



I give up on formating this stupid thing!

We took a hike in Dimple Dell and went down to the gulley.  It was partially frozen and we had fun throwing rocks into the ice!

Turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, rolls, green bean casserole, and pumpkin pie!