Friday, March 27, 2009

Tunes in My Head

Sometimes at night do you have a hard time falling alseep? Maybe it is becuase you are thinking of a problem you have or all you have to do...or maybe there is a tune in your head that just won't go away?

The past few weeks Jacob has had a hard time sleeping. He cries out 4-5 times a night. He is not awake and goes back to sleep, but it wakes me up. Jason says I have ears that would qualify me for Wonder Friends. I would be Wonder Ear Girl.
Would I have to exercise to have a body like this?

Well, after Wonder Ear Girl hears her Wonder Baby cry out, she can't fall back asleep because she has tunes going through her head. Radio tunes you may ask? Chicago, REM, Beatles, Josh Groban???? No, I have "When You're Happy and You Know It", "Wheels on the Bus", "Pop Goes the Weasle", etc. from Jacob's music CD we listen to everyday.

I obviously don't get enough of my own radio time. :)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Jacob!

Amazingly Jacob turned 1 year old on Monday. I can't believe my baby is heading into the toddler stage!!

We had a good day. I spent a lot of it making a cake for him. We call him our little monkey so I tried to make a monkey cake. It turned out OK, but not a skill I could ever make money at.

Grandma and Grandpa Wong, Jenny and Steve, Jared and the kids, Grandma and Grandpa Safsten and Elizabeth over in the evening to open presents and eat birthday cake. He still doesn't quite get the opening presents thing, but it is coming.

Joy, please note that I got into a picture with Jacob on his first birthday. :)
His cousin Stephanie called to sing Happy Birthday to him.
Hmmmm....I've never tried something like this before...not bad.

We love our little Jake boy! He is so sweet and cuddly, don't know what we would do without him!

Happy Birthday my big 1 year old boy!!
Look at what he can do now that he is one. His latest and greatest trick...he showed this to me after I finished changing his diaper today. It made me laugh!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Did You Know??

Last week I decided to go and see the new Nordstroms. I thought they had just renovated their existing store--nope--they have a brand new building! Shows how long it has been since I've strolled through the Mall! At least a year. :)

Anyway, did you know they now sell Jimmy Choo shoes? I didn't. I was looking at them and thought, oh I've heard of these, but never seen one in person (like the shoe was a rare or exotic animal). I now know why I'd never seen you know how much this shoe costs? $625! I turned it over and looked at the price and about choked. That could be 2 car payments, almost rent on some apartments, 1/3 of BYU semester tuition payment! I want to go and try some on--to see if they transport you without you having to do any work. At that price they should--I would fall down on that high of a heel--so they'd need to transport me.

Then there was another shoe I picked up, but couldn't find a picture of it. But is cost as much as this sandal--guess...........$825 buck-a-roos! For sandals!!

Did you know that if you take a pyrex glass bowl, like this one,

and rinse it in the sink, then accidentally drop it into the sink (the fall was only about 2 inches), at the right angle, it can do this to your sink without breaking?

I feel like I have an old sink from the depression era now. And, short of replacing it, there isn't too much you can to cover the black chip. Bummer! Oh well. At least I have a bowl and a sink. Some people don't even have that! :)

Monday, March 16, 2009

All Part of Being a Mom

When your child gets sick you think, this is part of get sick, but since he was sick in February we have been careful not to take him anywhere. If I go shopping I put him in his stroller (with his own germs), we wipe down the wood part bench at church....then last Thursday I wondered if he had a fever. Nah! Friday he was a cling-on and when he got up from his afternoon nap, he just wanted to be held and would not eat. That is not Jacob. Took him to the Dr. that night and he has this virus, I have never heard of it before, it causes minor sore throats in adults and lesions in a baby's mouth. There is also a fever for 3-6 days and is no medication for it. That is why he didn't want to eat.

As a mom you try to review everywhere you've been, who has breathed on him, who looked at him, etc. You realize it is all part of life, but still you feel so badly for them when they don't feel well. He is getting back to normal, a little whinny still, but no fever and is starting to eat again.

Ah, the joys of motherhood! I am fine, but like all moms I want to take away all of the hurts of life. I don't think I'm Celestial material yet--I know the Plan, but don't like to see people suffer they way they do! :)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hosting at the Draper Temple

Yesterday I had the opportunity to volunteer during the Draper Temple Open House. My assignment was in the foyer as people came out (of the Stake Center) to get on their bus to that took them back to their cars.

I went on shift at 2 p.m. and basically just made sure people knew where to go. The best part was seeing people I knew (that I don't normally see). I saw Darrell and Carolyn Newman, Debbie Harrington (hadn't seen her for 15 years--since the Murray South Ward days), 2 former teachers, a principal, and Bob Breitling (a friend's dad).

The temple is a beautiful place and I'm thankful we have them. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have Jason and Jacob forever!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Growing Up Right Along with Jacob!

My mom, me, and Grandma Bastian
Ah, we hit the big 45 this past weekend! (I have to admit my age-it is sitting right there on the cake.) A kind friend pointed out to me that I am now closer to 60 than 30. That is such a comforting feeling. :) Actually as long as I can cut and color my hair and get a pedicure now and again, I feel pretty good about my age. :)

Funny how I feel like I'm at a plateau in my life right now. I was telling Jason that you spend your 20's and 30's graduating, getting your first job, your first apartment, first car, first home, finally getting married, your first baby, you do all your "firsts" and then life seems to go along and then you see your kids heading towards all of their "firsts" (not that Jacob is close to those firsts yet--he is still working on learning to walk--a new group of firsts) and you realize your life is no longer heading up hill, but it is going downhill. I don't mean that in a bad way, but rather that you're done with a lot of your own major "firsts." Weird!

I did have a good b-day. Went to dinner and a movie with Jason on Friday night, Saturday had dinner down at my mom's with the family and Sunday we went to Jason's sister's house to celebrate the March b-days.

Dinner at Mom and Dad's with Elizabeth, Heidi and her family.

Blowing out the birthday candles with Jason's family.

Aw, Mom!.....I can't believe she kissed me in public!

Hanging out with Uncle Jared.

Present time!!Jacob and Grandpa Wong

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

He Is Growing Up!!

Look at this picture! His first tie--Mom loves it, Dad says he'll hate it (Dad hates them, but I have asked him not to transfer his negative feelings about ties to Jacob. If Jacob wants to develop his own nagative feelings, he can do that on his own. In turn I have promised not to encourage the hating of olives--olives...shudder, shudder, shudder...don't worry, Jacob can't read yet).

He wore it to church, but had it pulled off before Sacrament meeting even started. He got rid of the shoes too. Did I mention that we also forgot the Cheerios and it was Jacob's nap time. Sacrament meeting just was.

A Whole Bag of Chocolate Chips

Do you ever crave this?

Or maybe you have a craving for this...

This past week it was this for me.

I can go months without touching any of these items, but then it hits me and I can't stop eating it. It has been years since I have gone through a bag of chocolate chips, but last week you'd think they were part of one of the 4 food groups. I ate most of the bag before turning the rest into cookies.
The bag is now gone and a new one has taken its place, but it is unopened and I have no urge to open it (thank goodness).
Strange how we crave things!