Wednesday, May 31, 2023


We're beginning to start mountain bike riding.  I have been out to get some sponsors and while bike riding with the team doesn't start until June, they are beginning to do things.  They had the annual team hike up at Bell Canyon Reservoir. 
Back in March I posted about our experience going to Desert Star Theater.  There was a small fire in the apartments above the theater, they had us ignore the fire alarm, and water began to drip through the ceiling.  We only saw the first act of the play. 

On Monday, the 8th, we went back to see it again.  They offered the tickets and it was better the 2nd time.  They seemed to have worked out some of the kinks and we enjoyed it.  

Let watermelon season begin!

The first Thursday in May they had the annual hike at Bell Canyon Reservoir.  

The second Saturday of May we went to Corner Canyon to do trail clean up for the bike team. Each rider needs to do 2 hours each season. 

Mother's Day after church.  Opening my gifts.
A fry pan
The following day was Mother's Day and I made the Hot Chocolate cake I learned when I attended the cake class at Orson Gygi in January.  Turned out pretty well.  Not perfect, but it tasted good.  We took it down to Mom's for dinner on Sunday.  

I got a MUCH needed toaster!

We went down to Mom's for dinner.  I made garlic chicken and afterwards Jacob played games with the cousins.

Now that school was out we could do more on a week night.  We did smores with Catheys.

Heidi got tickets to the Saratoga Springs temple open house.  
At the end of the month we (minus Jason who was sick) went to dinner and Escapology (an escape room) to meet Cory and Torrie--the other couple going on the cruise with us and Ahyous.  They seem very nice.  
The escape room was interesting.  They had all done one before so knew how to start out.  We didn't escape.  
Jacob hanging out with Jaxon with his new found free time now that school is out!