Tuesday, April 30, 2019


 Spring Break!  We headed to Airborne to do some jumping with Alex, Andy B.  and the Catheys.

Unfortunately, Andy kneed himself while coming down off a jump and broke his nose.  Everyone else had fun.
Jacob making breakfast

Alex, Jacob, Jaxon, Grant C.
We met Nefs and went swimming at Dimple Dell. 
Jacob and Mom in line

Dad and Jacob in line

Every year the Canyons School District hosts a film festival.  Jacob has been on film crew the past 2 years and this year we went to the district film festival.  It was pretty good.The one sad part was the Documentary section.  
Draper submitted a documentary about the 10 year anniversary of the formation of the district.  The movie it went up against was a dad showing how to make interesting pancakes--which won.  I didn't think that was a documentary--it was a "How to" movie.  Bummer!

May 2015

Andy, Jacob, Chole, Alex
Andy, Jacob, Jaxon, Alex
At the end of 1st grade, for Teacher Appreciation week, we used to decorate the teacher's doors.  That year I worked with Jenny Brown and Teri Francis.  We decorated Mrs. McFarland's and Mrs. Hannah's doors.

We no longer do this, but since the boys are in 5th, their last year at Draper, I wanted to take a similar picture outside the teacher's rooms. 
How they change!!

 Easter basket hunt.  Dinner at Josh's house this year was different.  We each tried to bring some sort of Hebrew dish.  We also had ham etc.  But made it kind of interesting.
Jacob opening his b-day present from Grandma and Grandpa

Jacob and Braydon

Devin, Stephanie, Jen, Mallory, Mom, Amy, Chris

The last weekend of April Jason and Jacob went camping to 9 Mile Canyon down south.  They left Friday and came back late Saturday afternoon.

Amy, Chris, Elizabeth w/Hannah, Erick Chris, Hank, Kristen

Chris, Hank, Kristen, Nathan, Christen, Joy, Matthew, Michael, Jessica, Kristina, Madeline, David, Julianna

Joy, Matthew, Michael, Jessica, Kristina, Madeline, David, Julianna, Brook, Emily, Linnea, Sam, Malia

Malia, Jayson, Olivia, Taylor

That Saturday we celebrated Mom's 80th birthday.    Her b-day was on the 16th, but Chris was came in town for Stephanie and Devin's college graduation (Devin made it into Yale for grad school!) so Kristina and Erick also flew in to celebrate.

We collected memories about Dad and put it together in a book.  Turned out well.   We also learned that Malia is going to have a baby in November!  That night Hank took Kristen to the canyon and proposed.  Getting married August 31st.  Lots of changes and growth in the family!