Sunday, December 31, 2023


 Ah December....Jason left on a work trip the Monday (the 28th) after Thanksgiving to Houston.  Things were plugging along until I got sick that Thursday and Jacob had to fend for himself as far as food went.  I guided him through cooking eggs and bagels (getting the timing right) for himself.  He heated up tomato soup for me.  He put it in a bowl, heated it in microwave and brought it up to me.  He told me he knew it wasn't right and I asked him if he checked to see if he needed to add water.  He did.  He went back down and added water and tried again.  It was OK, but I need to teach him how to heat up soup.  It was a bit lumpy--but he was trying.  


Since I was achy, low grade fever, not wanting to eat I thought I should get checked for the flu.  I called my Dr. office, but the morning appointments were full and they don't work in the afternoons.  UGH!  The medical system is screwed up!  

I went to Instacare and they tested me.  Everything came back negative--which is good...meant I was not spreading anything dangerous.  Just had a bad cold.  

The inability to function much lasted through Sunday.  On Saturday Randy took Jacob over to Jared and Stephanie's where he played games with Lilly, Grace and Robbie.  He also brought some groceries over for us.  That helped so much!

The weekend Jason was in Houston he went to see the Kennedy Space Center.

Our ward is helping with some refugee families.  We, along with 3 other families have been collecting items to take to them.  Gloves, socks, clothes, blankets, coats, etc.  

Socks for the kids

The rest of the week was spent getting Jacob through school.  He does fine academically, but gets frustrated at times, but any extra work.  

Saturday morning I went to breakfast with friends.  In the picture, starting at bottom left and going clockwise, Margaret Pearson, Haeli Hanseen Steinmann Herndon, Le Ann Stamos, Judy Seiders, Me, Shanae Richardson.  It was fun to visit and catch up.

Saturday night was our friend annual Christmas party--Elroy's Christmas party.  Not all could come, but it was fun to see everyone.  
Llyod received this beard
Those who came:  Clark White, Dianne Hammon, Tina Ackerman, Lori Harward, Llyody and Sherry Jones, Chris and Paul Sorensen (they hosted), Elroy and Becky Vogler, Margaret Pearson, and us.  
Apparently Paul has 2 of them himself

On to the rest of the month.

We had our last Activity Day of the year.  We combine the boys and girls and did cookie decorating.  Afterwards we watched a video Stephanie Eldredge put together of pictures from all of the activities during the year.  It was really fun.

The Saturday before break began we went to the
gym.  Jason lifted a weight wrong and hurt
his back.  Marcia invited us over to their
hot tub to see if it might help.

Jennifer Fisher does a Christmas open house
every year.  I went over and it was fun to see
people.  This is Lisa Hansen and Jana Evans.
I haven't see Lisa for at least 8 years.  Jana for
probably 15 years.  It was fun to catch up.

The leg room at the concert was

On Monday, the 20th, we had the opportunity
to go see Eclipse acapella group.  The
Cutler's, in our ward, had 2 extra tickets.  I 
took Jacob.  It was fun, but I miss seeing 
Voice Male.  

The first official day(Dec 19) break started we went over to Cathey's to play games and watch a movie.
The week before Christmas was spent getting ready, Jason took Jacob out driving and they went to Randy's to see Steve, Hannah and Meilin, who were in town for Christmas.  

Christmas eve was on a Sunday this year and I invited my family to come.  Erick spent it with Adrienne's family, but we had Joy, Matthew, Ryan, Gayle (Matthew's mom) and Jessica (Matthew's niece) over for dinner.  

After dinner we passed out the pipes and did Christmas carols...each of us had a note and we played as Ryan directed us.

Christmas morning.  This year some of the magic faded for Jacob as he knew most of what he was going to get.  We had to ask him, as we wouldn't have known what to get. 😜

Jacob's PS4 VR heads

For Jacob this was the year of clothes.
He received a jacket, socks, a
church shirt, sweats and PJ's. 

After opening our gifts we went to Randy and MarySue's.  I didn't get many pictures at their house.  Josh and Irina were in England, Jenny and Jacob were in Houston.  Steve and Hannah came up for a couple of weeks.  Janette was here for Christmas and then went to Florida to meet Josh and Irina and headed out on a cruise.  Most of the pictures I took were of the games we played.  

Move the Oreo from your forehead to your mouth, Cups and Yes/No.  It as fun.

After Christmas we hung out, Jacob played video games, we met the Cathey's at the library on Friday and they came over later to play our new game--No Your Ma's Jong.  The kids hung out in the basement and played. 

Sunday was New Year's Eve.  We went to Cathey's, played games and watched a movie.  We rang in the New Year with Fat Boy's mini ice cream sandwiches.  We then headed home and tried to talk Jacob into not staying up to just watch TV by himself.  We need to figure out something for next year, as we realize his 15/16 year old inclination is to stay up.  😕  Our 59/54 year old inclination is to go to bed!  We managed to get to bed around 1:30 a.m.