Monday, February 6, 2012

6th Anniversary

This past Saturday was our 6th anniversary. It fell on a Saturday, the same day as six years ago when we were married.

Jason arranged for his Dad and Mary Sue to take Jacob overnight and booked the same room we had on the first night of our honeymoon. It was so fun!

We stayed at the Castle Creek Inn, in the Rapunzel room.
Jason had them put 3 red roses in the room for me...they were beautiful! You can see them on the mantel here, and on our table at home.

After arriving at our room we went to dinner at Asian Star. Then we came back to the room, got on our P.J.'s and watched a video. It was so fun to just relax, not needing to worry about getting back for the babysitter....just time to ourselves.

Sunday morning we picked Jacob up by 9 a.m. since Jason's parents had 9 a.m. church. Oh, it was so nice getting away--even if it was just for a few hours!! Jason was so wonderful to plan it all. I absolutely LOVED it!!