Sunday, February 28, 2021


Our anniversary was on February 4th.  15 years!  
He doesn't go out very much and asked me to go and buy the flowers for the day.  ;)

Our attempts at taking a picture. Jason feels like he can't just smile on command.

That weekend was the super bowl.  We usually go over to Kenner's, but with Covid we did our own little party.  Chicken, meatballs and a lemon meringue pie!

We began our 2nd hour church classes back at the end of October.  We use Zoom and the teachers do a good job.  We usually have about 30 sisters sign on.  In this picture there is me, Karlena Gonzalez, Melody Bennett (the teacher) and Muthu Alletto.
Chocolate covered bananas anyone?
Valentines Day fell on Sunday this year.  I bought some fruit and made some chocolate dipping sauce and we had fun!

We tried, strawberries, clementines, and bananas,

Flower Jason bought me for Valentine's Day.

My big right toe has been bothering me lately.  Don't know if it is arthritis or what.  

Covid vaccines have been happening now since January.  They began with the 70+ age group, teachers, medical workers and first responders.  Mid month they expanded the groups eligible for a vaccine to 65+.  

As of today, February 20, 2021 there have been:
366,034 cases of Covid
2,158,136 people have been tested
3,690,090 tests reported
14,421 hospitalizations
1842 deaths
598,434 vaccines administered

Jacob, Tyson Forbes, Henry Cutler, Avery & 
Wade Roper, Rich Cutler, Lucus Anderson, Bishop 
Watson, Holis Carlson, Harrision Halterman,
Ashton Bennett, ?, Ian Groscost, Seth Watson,
Noah Forbes
Last weekend of February the Young Men went down to Bishop Watson's cabin in Brian Head.  They arrived and hiked/snowshoed about a mile to the cabin.  That night some went outside to play.  Jacob stayed in because someone had taken his gloves by accident.  

Enjoying a little dinner
Vaccinations began in January for 70+.  Mid February it was lowered to 65+.  About that time this picture came out to let those of us from the 80's that our turn was next.  😅
A week before my birthday I went clothes shopping.
The brown pants on the left are what started it.  
Marcia had a pair and they were cute.  I went to try
and buy a pair and, in the process, found these $5 
t-shirts and the other pants.  Without being able to try
them on in store, I ended up going back and forth
6 times to get sizes and then return.  In the end I 
never got any.  Just didn't fit right.  

So Jacob asked to make cookies one Sunday
night.  I told him if he helped we could make
them.  He helped and they turned out 

I love this picture of Jacob doing dishes!                           
And then the finished cookies!😋