Saturday, September 30, 2023


 Began September with Labor Day weekend.  Went to Mom's on Sunday for dinner.  On Monday we went to Orem to watch Tom play in a frisbee tournament.  

On Wednesday I went to Elizabeth's to see their new baby Julia Gayle.  She is so tiny and cute!!  On Thursday we celebrated Karen's birthday with dinner at our house (no pictures) and Saturday we went to the ward BBQ and Catheys came with us.  

Sunday evening we went over by Sandy City Hall to see the Healing Field.  These fields are filled with flags to represent the people who died in 9/11.  To see the massive amount of flags (over 3000) going on and on.  It is impressive.  on each flag it has a small message telling about the person it represents.  Such a sad day in our history. 

Elizabeth and Nathan  had a Barbie birthday party for Hannah.  She invited her school class and family.  Lots of people came, they had J-dowgs, which are yummy!  It was very cute!

I went over on a Monday morning to visit Amy and see their new place.  It is a nice condo.  Had so much fun playing with Tanner and Lucy!  They are so cute!
At the end of the month (a VERY light month for pictures) I went to my mission reunion.  

They had a pre-recorded message from our President, Hap Green.  He is 95 and couldn't make it to the reunion this year.  

I saw Elder Latanzzio.  He is from Argentina, but came up with his family about 20 years ago.
Always fun to see Kathryn King MTC companion.
The hermanas from the mission.

It was a very slow month for pictures!