Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What Do You Think?

I was too young to stay up and watch Johnny Carson on the Tonight show. It aired at 11:30 p.m. in California after the 11 p.m. news (thank heavens for 10 p.m. news here!).

Then came Jay Leno and for the most part I liked him.
I thought his comedy was pretty good and I loved his Jay Walking. I didn't watch him a lot, usually on a Friday night, since I didn't have to get up for work the next day.

Now we have Conan Obrien.
I'm sure he is a nice enough guy, but I do not think he is funny. I actaully think his comedy is pretty stupid most of the time. I tried watching him a couple of times, but was unimpressed. So I have given up watching the Tonight Show, even if it was just on Friday night.

What do you think? Is this an age thing...does he appeal to the college age frat boy and I'm not in that demographic? Is that the demographic they are aiming for? Do you think he'll last?

Friday, June 26, 2009

Family Reunion

Last week our family gathered for a reunion. Joy and Matthew and their 5 kids flew from Chicago, Chris and Jen drove from Maryland (40 hours) with their 5 kids, Kristina and Shane came with their 6 kids from Arizona, and Erick and Adrienne and their 3 kids flew from Florida. Heidi and David and their 6 kids live in Mapleton and Jason and I with our 1 child came from Draper.

We first met on Saturday for my niece's, Julianna, baptism.

The cousins had a great time seeing each other and the adults did too.

Jacob loved playing with the cousins.
Playing house.

Playing with Madaline, Tyler and Carter.

Here is a picture with my Grandma Bastian and all 26 cousins. In birth order oldest to youngest.
Jacob did not really want to be there. :)
The rest of the week we did one activity a day. Monday we went to the Harris Fine Arts Center at BYU to see their "I Spy" exhibit.

Tuesday everyone came up to Temple Square and then we went to a park for a picnic.
Jacob helping us get food packed to take to the park.

On Wednesday the adults went and did sealings at the Temple. No pictures of us in the Temple--I couldn't get my flash to work--all the pictures turned out too dark. Ha, Ha, Just kidding.

Playing games at night.

Thursday it finally seemed warm enough to go to Seven Peaks. It was not hot, but it also didn't rain (for most of the day).

It was sad to see everyone go.

All that playing makes you tired.

Daddy and Jacob relaxing after a busy week of playing.

Don't Know How to Title This One

I was surprised by the news of the death of Michael Jackson. I do not follow him and I never have, but I remember how amazing some of his dancing and music was--especially in the early 80's.

I received this album for my 16th birthday. I really didn't know much about him at that point, other than he had been in a Saturday morning cartoon and he (and his brothers) were about the age of the Osmond Brothers.

I remember this video well as we rented a VCR to be able to see and play it as part of our Preference date at BYU.

He was very talented.

This is not meant to be a tribute, but I have to admit, he influenced the musical/dance world a lot. I think he also lead a very difficult life.

Then there is Farrah.

Her famous hair. It was the way to have your hair when I was in high school. I never achieved the look, but my blond sister (Joy) did.

I think her hair looked good all of her life--it must have been so hard to cut when she had cancer.

Both lead interesting lives. Nothing I would want to live, but they did leave their mark.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Ode to the Pacifer

About a month ago I went in to get Jacob and he handed me this pacificer...nearly chewed threw. This told us that he is probably about done with it. He hasn't used it during the day since Christmas (except when he had RSV) and seemed to mainly hold it at bed and nap time.

We tried taking it away and that lasted about 2 days--he began to wake up at night and we didn't want to start that habit again. So we waited a few more weeks. The clincher was at church when we couldn't use it to help him be quiet. He looked at it and batted it away. We quit using it that day.

That was more than 2 weeks ago and he (we) have not looked back. I was actually dreading the day when we'd have to take it away, but for him it was easy. Thank you Jacob!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Rain, Rain, Finally Going Away

June has been a very rainy month. I'm not complaining because it waters the lawn, leaving no uneven spots, and it is free!

Since it is June, even though it has rained nearly everyday, it is still warm enough to go and do things without freezing like we do earlier in the year. Which makes errands with a baby very nice.

The other day I took Jacob to Walmart. He had his coat on and in the store wanted to take it off. As we were leaving I saw it was raining and tried to encourage him to put it back on. He did not want to do that, so we went out and he started to get sprinkled on. He did not like that and allowed me to cover his head. His face says it all. :)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Other Blog

I have decided to try doing a recipe blog of some of my favorite recipes. One reason is, if I am out of town and want to make something, it is there at my finger tips. Take a look if you are interested.


Friday, June 5, 2009

39 Point Inspection and an Overhaul Needed

This is an all about me post. I think a good overhaul is needed on all parts of my body...
It has now been 14 months since I had Jacob. I exercised up until I was 8 1/2 mos. pregnant and had walked (faithfully) with my friend, Marcia, for over 10 years before that. It kept the cellulite and fat at bay (generally)so things were good. I'd never be a runway model, but I could hold my own when trying on clothes.

Then came Jacob. A C-section postponed me getting back to exercising very soon...then it was sleepless nights, etc....I stopped walking...which brings me to today. I don't consider my self a high maintenance girl (I try to keep myself looking nice), but...

...I was looking at my hair...I get it cut and highlighted about 3x a year. (It is expensive and for long hair I don't feel like paying for it more than that.) I measure it by, not how long it is getting, but rather by grown out the roots are...
...time for a hair cut. :)

I think I'd like to cut my hair like Jenny McCarthy, but would it look good? I don't like my hair in my face so I want a cut I can put behind my ears. It might work.

Then there are my hands...I bit my nails when I was young, but got better as I got older. Once I had Jacob and was at home, I have been awful again! Don't know why...

On to my feet. Had a pedicure in March...time for a new one...and while I'm at it I should slather on some tanning cream...my drumstick legs could use it!

I don't have a picture of my torso because you all know what a chocolate chip looks like and can just paste that image between my head and drumstick legs. :)

I did go to the mall today. I am not a shopper, but it was raining and we needed to get out of the house.

I went into Dillards and found some swim suits I thought were kind of cute and tried them on. Ah, the truth hurts...When cellulite is on the back of your legs, you can deal with it because you don't see it as often, but when it creeps forward...look out. I need to hit the road walking again! (I knew that before, but this confirmed it.)

Here is a picture of one of the suits...the top half. My face is due to seeing what the lower half looks like and the price tag...$60 for the top and $48 dollars for the bottom.
Until my cellulite returns to just the back part of my legs I won't be spending that much on a swim suit. At those prices I think Jason may ban me from walking! :)

In the innocence of youth you never think this is going to happen to you. There you have it...my 39 Point Inspection....let the overhaul begin!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A New Bike

Jacob had so much fun on his cousin's bike, we bought one to ride during the summer. He loves it! He rings the bell as we walk around the block and loves the independence. Mom loves the parent handle at the back which allows her to push and steer without having to bend over. Great invention!!