Wednesday, October 3, 2012

What We've Been Doing

It amazes me how fast September has gone by.  What have we been doing?

We took a ride on trax down to Discovery Gateway.

We went to our first day of preschool for this year.  And again, is saying he doesn't want to go.  
Jacob had his first Primary program and did a great job on his part.  Unfortunately no pictures, but he LOVED talking into the microphone.  I have decided that if the Bishop ever needs someone to fill in at Sacrament meeting Jacob is his man! 

 My brother and his family came to town for a visit.  It was so much fun to see them!

Jason's Aunt Vina and Uncle Roy (from Hawaii) came to visit for a weekend and we had such a fun time with them.  We went on a hike to Silver Lake and had several family dinners.

 We listened to  music on our headphones and.....
.....we took 4 boxes of apples and turned them into applesauce, and pie filling.  Yummy!