Monday, November 30, 2015


November started out busy with a shower for my niece, Elizabeth.  Her sister-in-law, Emily, her mom, Joy, and I did it and it was Pinterest worthy.

Joy and Kristen came out and we had it in Elizabeth's clubhouse.

Joy, Elizabeth and Kristen

Me, Elizabeth and Emily.  Don't know why it is such bad lighting.  

Joyous with some of the food

 Jacob has also been participating in Lego club at school.  The theme is recycling....which I think is kind of hard to come up with for Legos, but they did.  His team decided to do a presentation on recycling cannons.  There is such a big market for that, I'm sure it will go far!  :)

Going across the rope bridge.
 Mountain America Credit union did an evening at the Aquarium.  We went with Jared, Stephanie and the girls and the Ahyous from our ward.  It was a fun evening.
Jacob and Elias 

We go down to my parent's quite often.  Here is Jacob  hanging out with Grandpa one day before we left.  
 Our friend, Jennifer, has an annual Christmas dinner with friends.  She bought a new home earlier this year and hosted.  The kids had their own room for dinner (Jacob, Richie and Carolyn's 6 kids, Brad and Kristi Anna's daughter).  Funny thing....Richie and Carolyn were married 4 months before we were and have 5 more kids than we do!
Carolyn (holding Nora), Jennifer, Deb, Gina

Jason, Brad, Kristi Anna (their little girl), Richie

Brook, Dad, Jacob, Elizabeth, Amy
Thanksgiving was spent down at Josh and Irina's with Jason's family.  After we went down to Mom and Dad's to visit.  Funny thing is I forgot to take pictures at Jason's.  

Jessica, Brook and Amy spent the week with Mom and Dad and seemed to have a great time!

But it obviously brought Dad to drink!!
Michael and his goatee

 My friend, LeAnn got married!  She has been divorced for nearly 21 years.  All of her kids are grown and she met Mike about a year and a half ago.  He seems nice and I hope she'll be very happy.

We had a day off school and Jacob and I went to Jason's work and took lunch in.

Then I left Jacob with Jason to "work" for the rest of the afternoon.
Home after a hard afternoon of work
The family (men) worked on Karen's basement to try and finish up the bedroom and bathroom.  Jacob is seen here helping prime the bedroom for painting.

On to December!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

September and October

We are into 2nd grade!  Wow!!
Here are his teachers.  Ms. Longaker, who had a baby in the middle of October, and Mr. You.

Working hard on the first day of 2nd grade!
We had the school fun run.

Red Ribbon Week

For Red Ribbon Week they had a crazy hair,
backwards clothes and crazy socks day.

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On Labor Day we went to Josh and Irina's to do the Diamond Creek 5th Water hike in Spanish Fork Canyon.  It is a beautiful hike.

We arrived at the falls, though this year they were  not flowing much.  When we went 3 years ago they were spilling over.  Not this year.

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Jacob was exhausted on the way home from the hike!

Making a mud pond

 After lunch we celebrated Karen, Janette, and Josh's birthdays!

Back in July Studio 5 (a show I like to watch) announced it's season 10 show opener for September.  They were going to have a live audience and we could email in for tickets.  I didn't think much about it, but in August I decided, why not, and emailed them for 1 ticket.  I didn't hear from them and figured they had given them all away.  A week before Sept. 10th, I received an email saying that they had a ticket for me--so I was able to go!
Here I am pre show.  Taking a selfie

There I am sitting in the front row.

It was interesting to watch the taping of the show.  The different segments, how they set them up, how Brooke interacted with the guests, etc.

I'm not one for all of the fluff anyway so to see the work that went into some of the segments--I was thinking I am so glad this is not my daily job!!

I'm glad I could go.

 We have been going with Jacob's friend, Jaxon, to library activities.
We celebrated Olivia's 9th birthday!
Sadly Jason's Uncle Spencer passed away in September.  We (Karen, Randy, MarySue, Jared and us) drove down for the funeral.
 There was a great walking trail by out hotel with a nice playground where all of us played.
 We hit the last family night at the skate park.
 This was at the end of our fall ward party.  Brett Moore had just gotten this and Jason would love one!  So far this is the closest he has gotten to that dream.

 We celebrated Mylee and Jared's birthdays at the beginning of October.

Playing a game at the park

The day before fall break we went on a walking field trip, around the center of Draper (which is right where Jacob's school is) and saw the cemetery, the old school, some of the oldest homes, etc.  It was probably more interesting to me, but we had a fun time.


Over fall break we went to Cornbelly's with Chase and had a great time!
The Candy Blaster

This was hilarious!  It was a GIANT corn bin, about a foot deep full of corn.   It was a hot day and being able to go under this tent into the cool corn felt good.  Here is Jacob showing us what extreme weight gain would  look like on him!
Terri, Debbie and Me
 The following day we met up with my friends from the singles ward, Debbie and Terri and their kids at Gardner Village.  

Here the kids are jumping from one small ledge to the other trying to stay out of the "hot lava" as they called it.  We were there to see the decorations with the witches, they could have done this all day without seeing anything else!

 Taking a break for lunch.

About the 3rd week of October Jason had a business trip.  Sheele's had a kids pumpkin decorating night with a free Farris wheel ride. Jaxon's mom told me about it so we went and meet Jaxon's family there.
Taking a ride

Painting a pumpkin

 The same week Jason was gone it was October 21st, 20115...the day in the movie 
Took Jacob to dinner and gave him the movie ticket

We went to the 7 p.m. showing of the 2nd Back to the Future movie.  They were showing all 3 back-to-back, but I thought he'd like this one the best since the 21st was the day it was supposed to happen! I loved taking him to the big screen to see the movie--just like I did 30 years ago!  See the benefits when you have children in your old age?!?!  The parents of Jacob's peers were just little kids when this came out.  If they took their kids it would be the first time for them to see it big screen too!!  ;)

Ah Halloween.  It comes every year!  I am the room mom and here is Jacob eating his doughnut (off) on a string.

We had 4 stations:  Bean bag toss in a candy for candy, bowling, bingo and doughnut eating.  I think the kids had fun.


Guess it wore him out!
 This was a Friday.  Saturday night was Halloween and Jason took Jacob out.  Jason said Jacob was very particular about which home he wanted to go to and when he was done he was done!

There you have it.  On to November!