Tuesday, February 28, 2023


Happy 17th anniversary to us!  We went to Costco and later that day Jason brought be flowers and we went to dinner at Fajita Grill in Union Square.  We thought it was good.  

On Tuesday, February 7th, I went to the Draper Temple after their 2 week closure.  I did an endowment and it was the first day of changes made to the presentation.  I really liked it and how it was so closely tied to Jesus Christ.  I know it always had been, but the way they explained things...just really good.

The following Saturday, February 11, the scouts did Scouting for Food at Smiths grocery store.  I took Jacob for his shift at 9 a.m.  Here he is with Ben.

After I took Jacob home, I went to MarySue's house for Galantines. She served lunch: sliders, salad, veggie pizza, fruit pizza, pineapple.  It was all so good.  Afterwards we played games. 
Limbo...Janette and Mylee were good!

She had a big flamingo set on a table and we sat on the couch across from it and threw plastic blown up balls...trying to make baskets.

She had cups on the table that we each had a turn going over and choosing one.  Whatever was in the cup was the prize you won. 
Fooling around afterward

Joy, Heidi, Matthew, Susan, Mom, Gayle

On Monday, the 13th, Joy had us over for a Galantines lunch.  She had planned it for Gayle and Mom.  Susan, Matthew's sister was in town and able to come too.  It was fun to see her.

Joy's lunch was great and the surprise was she planned a singing telegram for Matthew.  Was he surprised and embarrassed!  He was also a good sport to dance around with Cupid and be sung to. 

Cupid arriving.  He thought it was for Joy.

After the Galantine's Day lunch at Joy's, I came came home and Jacob wasn't feeling well.  Jason had gone to pick him up after school since I was  not around.  He was home sick with a fever Tuesday-Thursday.  Finally went to school on Friday, but still did not feel 100%.  
On late Wednesday he began to say his ear hurt, but it was not in sever pain and didn't hurt all the time.  
On Saturday we decided to take him in to get it checked out and he had an ear infection.  He only had one when he was a baby so I hadn't really considered that.  The Dr. sent in a prescription for amoxicillin and he began taking it on Saturday night.  
We haven't needed amoxicillin in a long time and when I saw the dose she had prescribed I was surprised.  He took 2/500 mg tablets 2x a day for 5 days.  I am used to a lower dosage for 10 days.  I texted our friend Brenda, who is a pharmacist, and asked her.  She said that the last few years they had moved to higher doses for shorter time.  He definitely felt better by Sunday morning.  His ear is still a bit clogged, but getting better.  
Wednesday, the 22nd, we woke up to a TON of snow.  We probably received 14".  It took several hours to begin to clear it and we had to go out twice.  Thankful for the snow, but a lot of work to clear it.  

While Jason was clearing the driveway I walked across the grass to do the walk way.  I sunk into the snow up to my knees.  

Snow has been coming and coming this winter and we need it.  Hopefully we won't flood in the spring.  

On the 28th I got together with Lisa Dew, Inez Kern and Birthe Champenios for our birthday lunch.  Had fun visiting with them!  Celebrating 59!

Later that afternoon we had Parent Teacher conf. for Jacob.  Saw all of his teachers and thing, overall, seem to be going well.  Jacob does well in his classes--as long as he reads ALL the instructions.  :)