Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Mom's 70th Birthday

Last Thursday was my Mom's 70th birthday. She is an amazing person--always taking care of everyone...don't know how she does it!

My sister, Joy, and her daughter, Kristen, flew in from Chicago to surprise her. They came in Wednesday night and we drove down on Thursday morning. Mom knew I was coming because Jason was out of town for the weekend. I came into the house, yelled to her that I was here and she said she would be right there. We went into the kitchen and Joy and Kristen sat at the counter.

I went and met my mom in the hall with a balloon we had gotten her. She was following us back to the kitchen and amusing Jacob with the balloon.

We were talking, waiting for her to notice Joy and Kristen. She glanced over into the kitchen and saw them and her face was total and complete surprise.

It was so fun to surprise her!
We spent the rest of the weekend visiting, my Unlce Steve came by to say Happy Birthday. Elizabeth, Joy's oldest, came and hung out. It was very fun.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

On Perfection

While Jason and I drove to Arizona we listed to a book on tape. It was called The Rule of Four. It was quite interesting and kept my attention.

There was one line that really stuck with me. This was not a Mormon religious book (it is fiction), but it dealt with some religion from the middle ages.

Anyway, the line that caught my attention was, "Perfection is the natural consequence of eternity: wait long enough, and anything will realize its potential. Coal becomes diamonds, sand becomes pearls...."

I thought that was a good way of putting perfection into perspective. We have eternity and if coal can become a diamond, I guess there is hope for the rest of us. :)

Monday, April 13, 2009


Jacob was so cute seeing his Easter basket in the middle of the family room floor. So cute, that I took a video of him and no pictures. (I still need to figure out how to down load the videos so I can put on my blog.) But let me assure you...he was cute! :)

Saturday night, Jason had told me that I needed an Easter basket. I told him I didn't need one and he said, yes, you do. So I quickly made one and the next morning this is what I found. Some of my favorite Sees candy and a gift certificate to Hale Center Theater! What a fun surprise!! What a great guy!

In the afternoon my Grandma, parents, niece Elizabeth, Heidi and her family came over for dinner. I made sweet and sour pork and we had a rasberry tart for dessert. The kids had fun playing with all of Jacob's toys and he had fun with kids around to play with.

It was a fun day.

Today is the day after. For nearly all holidays I resist buying the candy that comes with it. When we didn't have Jacob it was pretty easy and up to this point Jacob has been too young. But now he is getting a bit older and I feel like we need to celebrate the holiday with him. The problem is they don't sell candy in bags of only 6-9 pieces! Now that I stay at home, I see this sitting on my counter and I take nibble many times a day when I pass by. I told Jason he needs to take some of it to work. Fatten them up rather than us. :)

Happy Easter!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Fun Trip

The drive was long, but the vacation was fun. We left on Sunday (I know, not a good thing, but it was spur of the moment decision to go) and Jacob did a great job on the 12 hour drive.

The rest of the week was spent visiting with Kristina and family. Mom and dad were able to take naps, Jacob got to play with his cousins, and we all had fun. They had several toys that he loved to play on. A scooter...
Looks like he is turning and falling. Actually the scooter can stand by itself and Jacob was standing on it--until he tipped over. This is the action shot of that happening. He started to go down before we could catch him.

Kristina and Brook

Jason and Jacob took me out to lunch

We took him swimming. Here he is all dressed and ready to go with his cousin Tanner.

But once we got there he cried. I think he was tired. It was 6 p.m. Arizona time, but 7 p.m. Utah time. He ususally goes to bed around 7 p.m.

Kristina and Shane

You can kind of see that it is a water park type of pool, but it is shallow enough for kids. They have a lazy river, slides, etc. It was a fun place, but Jacob didn't see it that way. :)
Jacob loved this! We'd go around and around in their cul de sac. He feels like a big boy.

We had a great time and did not want to come home. Tanner, Krisina's 6 year old, told Jason that he should quit his job and we should come and live with them. Jason told him he needed to work. Tanner said, "You could work at Edward Jones!" (That is where Tanner's dad works.) Jason said, "I don't know how to do what your dad does there." Tanner said, "It's easy! All you have to do is talk to people and sign papers." I told Jason that he could probably do that and maybe he has a future at Edward Jones.
Our last night there we all went to dinner at Olive Garden. All the kids were great!
Kristina's family


Thanks Kristina, Shane and kids!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


To all of my Utah friends (and anyone else) who are sitting in cold & snow--I'm sorry you have to be there. Jason took this week off of work and we drove down to Arizona to visit my sister. Jason has been riding his mt. bike, and I've been hanging out with my sister in 75-85 degree weather! It is B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!!! We do what we want because it is vacation. Of course it is around Jacob's schedule, but it is still a change and I LOVE that!

Photos to come, but I just had to share the warm weather from down here.