Sunday, October 31, 2021


I look back on this blog and am sad that I don't catch as many pictures as I used to.  I know part of it is that Jacob is in school....whereas before he was home and I saw him all day doing cute things.  

Here is October.  :)

 The very first day of October we picked Jacob up from school and drove up to Silver Lake at Brighton.
The leaves were tuning and it was beautiful!

That weekend was General Conf.  Here I am during one of the sessions.  Listening of course!                  

Jacob and Jason listening during conference. 
The following week was Teresa's bday.  We got together for lunch.  Our lunches have been much more sporadic the past couple of, divorce, kids etc. has made it harder. 

We did a wonderful service project with the youth and Relief Society!  We helped make vests for the homeless.  We pinned and sewed for 2 hours.  
The Turtle Shell Project was started by a woman who had lived on the streets, is a recovering addict of 6 years.  She is truly amazing!!

Muthu and Jen

Brooke, Leesa, Vail, Heather, Amy

Delana, Alane and Terri

Sherri and I on our morning walk
Over fall break we took a short hike at Temple Quarry. 

Leaves everywhere!  2 mornings of working and bagging 6 bags of leaves.

We also had Halloween.  Did Trunk-or-Treat at the ward.  Catheys came.  Jacob and Jaxon went Trick-or-Treating together....we had very few trick-or-treaters come to our door.  Unfortunately--no pictures!!