Saturday, April 30, 2011

What a Lot of Work for a Spare Tire

We've been trying to get out (even though it is still kind of cold) on the days we can take the chill. We went to This is the Place for Baby Animals day and Thanksgiving Point to see the tulips.
But this takes the cake for things I have seen on people's cars. It actually says "Pioneer Spinster" above it. Soooo funny! How much work did that take and how does she keep it white???

Monday, April 25, 2011

The Tree

We had a huge globe willow in our back yard. It produced great shade for our neighbors and quite a bit of privacy for all of us. But it did a number on the fence (the roots were pushing the boards up, they were bowing, etc.)...ruining it in the process. There were sections of grass, underneath it, that did not grow--thus a muddy mess, and the tree also drops branches all over the place (you can see the pile below the tree to the left.) They also do not live long. So we decided to cut it down.


Now you can see what a hole it leaves. This was after Jason fixed the section of fence to the left of the corner. The other section is being worked on now. Our neighbors are not too happy about it and we have heard subtle remarks about it. But better than one of the big branches falling on their house, car or child.

I wish we could plant another type of tree there, but we can't for a while...the nursery said that the root ball of the globe willow would cause it to die after a few years. We're trying to figure out how to make it more private too. Sad...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Things I Missed in March

On March 2nd, Jason's brother, Stephen, received his mission call to the Philippines. He reports to the MTC on May 25th.

On March 7th I had my birthday. Joy was in town and we went to see the Carl Bloch exhibit. It was wonderful. Then we met up with our college roommates, Lisa, Inez and Birthe and had lunch. Had a great time. Too bad I forgot to pull out my camera!

We celebrated the March birthdays (Linde, Sarah and Jacob's) at Grandma and Grandpa Wong's.

We went with our cousins to see the Easter Bunny.

And we've been taking swimming lessons on Saturday mornings.

This past Sunday Jacob went into our closet and picked out a tie he wanted to wear to church. I had already gone to church for a meeting and when I saw him, I thought this was so funny. He wants to be just like Dad.