Monday, August 31, 2009

Please Vote for me

Today I am campaigning for Mother of the Year. Yes, today my child fell off something not just once, but twice!

This morning I forgot to put down the chair by my computer. I was doing dishes in the other room and thought he was playing with his toys. No, he was climbing the chair and on to the table, from which he fell to the floor. Seemed to land on all fours with minor bleeding to his lip. I felt awful.

Round two. I was in the garage putting something in the car. I left the door into the garage open. It will stay open (sometimes) when it catches on the rug going into the house. But sometimes it shuts on its own and does so with force. Jacob saw me go out and followed. He was on the top step when the door swung shut. His head hit the bottom step and he slid to the garge floor. I felt AWFUL!!! I cried longer than he did. Makes me want to cry just blogging about it. Alas, I do realize it is part of childhood.
So please vote for me at Thank you.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

24 Years Later....

Today I had the opportunity to go to lunch (Brick Oven in Provo) with 2 college roommates, Lisa and Inez whom I see pretty regularly, and another friend, Steve Bushman, who I have not seen in 24 years.It was so fun to get together and find out what has happened in his life, his wife, kids, work, church, etc.

Even though many years have passed it seems like just yesterday we were all together. We even went over to our old apt. building and took a picture.

Lisa said to us in college that her mom told her, the friends you make in college will probbably be your friends for life. She was so right.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Latest Adventures

My kitchen looks like this right now.

If I leave a chair up and walk away for even a minute, he is over there and climbing so he can do this. Once he is on the table he begins to swing the light...and to make sure I realize that he is making this, not only a physical activity, but also an educational one, he starts to say in a loud voice, "LIGHT, LIGHT, LIGHT!"
I must admit that it kind of makes me laugh to see him up there, but I realize how dangerous it can be so I say in my sternest "Mommy" voice, "No, we do not climb on the table." He doesn't listen too well since I find him doing it at any available moment, or his retention is pretty bad. :) (Actually it is probably that my retention is bad, since I forget to put the chair down.)

His other climbing trick is this basket. It sits on our stairs and can be used to hold things until you are ready to take them upstairs. At this point he backs down the stairs, crawl/scooting one step at at time. One day, as he was scooting down, he discovered that he could get into this basket. I didn't see him do it, so I don't know how he actually got in, but he was loving it when I found him.
He has also begun to LOVE cars--anything with wheels. He loves to "zoom" them around (making car sounds), he loves to spin the the wheels on the cars, his stroller, and if he could he would spin the tires on our cars.

They just do such cute things at this age!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Lehman Caves

It has been a while since I posted....I do have things to post, but it is hard with Jacob. He feels he is the master of the computer. :)

Last Thursday, Jason called me from work and asked what we had going on that weekend. We didn't have anything urgent and he told me his parents and brother and sister were going to Lehman Caves (located 4 1/2 hours SW of us in Bake, NV). Did we want to go? His parents were going that night to Delta and then continuing the rest of the way on Friday morning.

Now as some of you know, I like my house and taking care of Jacob, BUT being in my house all the time (compared to my before Jacob life) I get really tired of the 4 walls.

I said, YES! Spent the rest of the afternoon packing and getting ready, Jason got home from work and we headed down to my parents and spent the night there.

Friday morning we got up and drove the rest of the way to Baker and met Jason's family there. It is in the middle of no where. Apparently Mr. Lehman had a ranch and this is a cave he found in the late 1870's.

We stayed at the one place there is to stay--Border Inn. It was very modest, but clean.

We had an 1 p.m. slot for the cave tour and we really couldn’t take Jacob so Jason's dad stayed out and watched him while we went in. Pictures never do justice to a cave. There have been tours since the cave was discovered and there is even a "room" inside where they used to have dances during the 1920's...which is amazing considering that today there in an entrance you walk in, but until 1934, you had to climb down a ladder into the cave. You would have really wanted to dance, but then again, considering where the cave is (in the middle of no where) people might have done anything for a little bit of fun.

The tour took most of the afternoon and afterwards we went for dinner and then headed to our room to put Jacob to bed.

Saturday morning, after breakfast, we headed to Wheeler look out. It is above the cave area and at 10,000 feet it was a little cool, but it was so beautiful! They even had a hiking path that was wheelchair/stroller friendly.

We then headed on to Delta where we stopped for lunch and toured their museum. It gave the history of Delta and also showed one of the barracks used during the interment of the Japanese during WWII.

Jacob was such a good traveler in the car and it was nice to get away for just a few days.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Nice Thing about Blogs

One thing I really like about blogs is how they keep you up on the "details" of people's lives. I have friends that I see every few years and when we get together it takes a little while to get back into the swing of talking. You have to spend time catching up because you aren't clued in on the pieces of their lives that have changed since you last saw them.

With a blog there is no catching up to do, but rather you have things in common you can talk about automatically. It's like you were never really apart for very long.

I think someone said that a blog (for women at least) is kind of like and electronic front porch. We meet everyday (at our own convience), sit around and visit, filling each other in on our lives, how our kids are doing and any other random thought that floats through our heads. :)

Thanks for sharing my electronic front porch....sit down and relax. I enjoy the friendships.