Sunday, September 18, 2011

Cast Off; Preschool Started; Potty Training Going

Tuesday, September 6th, was a big day for Jacob. In the morning we went to the Dr. to get his cast off. This round wheel does not spin, it vibrates fast enough that cuts through the cast. Then they take scissors, cut the mesh underneath and, viola!, it was off and we were saying good-bye.

His arm was a little "dirty"
and he had a somewhat limited range of motion, but that soon took care of itself and he uses it as if it was never broken.

That afternoon Jacob started preschool. 3 boys from his nursery class are there with him and he enjoys it. He has a little bit of a hard time seeing Mom leave, but once he is there he is fine. With his friend Andrew on the first day.

This weekend we began potty training. I should say that Jason has done most of it. I have tried 2 other times, with zero success, but Jason has made it work.Yea! I did it!! I wish he could stay home with me the rest of the week--Jacob goes, but does not always want to go. Here are some of his potty treats, a book and the Shake Car he earns when he can keep his pants dry, and go to the potty without too much reminding., Maybe he'll have it by the end of the week???

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

This weekend was really fun. On Friday night we started by going to Antelope Island to the Stampede Round you may remember we went to Antelope Island on the Friday before Memorial Day to camp. It seemed fitting that since we began the summer on Antelope Island that we finish the summer there (sans the biting gnats!).

We had a picnic dinner in the back of Jason's car before going in. They had hot air balloons up in the air and one that you could climb into. Jacob wanted to climb in until he saw them "firing" it up to keep it up. So we just stood in front of it.

They had a "Beach Boys" band playing and 3 or 4 bounce houses. Jacob loved those and we spent a lot of time in that area. He must have gone on them 50 times!

The evening ended with fireworks.

Sunday we went down to my parent's house for dinner and to sleep over. Today we got up and Jason and I went with Jason's brother, Josh, and his wife Irina, into Provo Canyon to do some zip lines.

Groupon sent a deal for a company called Max Zip, which had opened up this summer. We got to the canyon at 9 a.m. and a van picked us up and drove us a little ways up in a private area called Bear's Canyon. That is where we began the zip line.

They gave us our harness, hat, and glove and off we went. The first line I went down I stopped just a little bit short, the second line was better, but because it was longer I still stopped short. By the third line I had it down, but then we were done. They are adding 2-3 more lines in the next couple of weeks, which I would have loved to do. It was a fun experience and if it wasn't so expensive I'd do it again!

This afternoon we had a BBQ with my parents and niece Elizabeth and finished off the evening with a rousing game of "Bean Bag Toss." It was a fun weekend!