Wednesday, October 21, 2009


We were supposed to go to Chicago last week to visit my sister and family, but she called and was sick so we didn't go. That was a bummer, but Jason still had time off so we drove down to St. George where it was nice and warm.

We left on Thursday and saw the Johnson Farm in the afternoon. It is a small dinosaur museum where bones were found just 10 years ago. There are some specimins there that are the only ones in the world.

Friday we went into Zions and hiked the river trail. It is the last stop on the tram ride through Zions and we picked it because you could take a stroller. It was beautiful. The leaves were turning and at the end of the trail Jacob played in the river.
This is where my camera battery died. :)

After this hike we rested in front of the lodge and then went to the lower pool of the Emeral Pools hike before leaving for the day. It was perfect weather!

The next day, on our way home, we stopped at Kolob and did a short hike. Jacob was a trooper through it all and we had a great time. Just so sad to come home after just 3 days! Oh well. Off to plan the next trip. :)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Costco Gets It

Sometime between lunch and dinner, Jacob needs to eat a little something...he just can't go that long between the two meals.

Sometimes I need to run errands in the afternoon, but if I wait to feed Jacob the errand never gets done. Enter Costco.

I need items from Costco and they get it...that kids need a mid afternoon snack so moms can shop. I LOVE that they have taster tables. I can shop and feed Jacob at the same time. It is a good thing.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Jacob, You are Brilliant

I know every mother thinks this of her child, but today he said something that really surprised me.
We were on our way to the gym this morning (around 9 a.m.) and as we pulled onto the street Jacob said, "Moo." Or at least this is what I thought I heard since I know he can say "Moo" when he sees a cow. But I also know that there are NO cows on my street.
I glanced back at him in the rear view mirror to try and see what he was looking at. He was looking up. I looked up and this is what he was looking at.

It is hard to see in the picture, but it is the moon.
About a week and a half ago, Jason and I took Jacob on a walk around the block before he went to bed. We looked up at the sky and saw the moon. We pointed to it and told him what it was. That was about it. We really haven't mentioned the moon since or been outside to see it. So for him to look up and say "moon" really surprised me. A budding genius on our hands--I'm sure of it!!