Tuesday, March 10, 2015

About Time for a New Post!

2015 has begun!  End of January I had strep throat for the third time since the beginning of December!  Took meds again until Feb. 10.  So far, so good.

We  spent most Saturday mornings in January watching this.

Jacob, Eli, James, Ryan, Crew Bear

Jacob plays with some boys from our ward and he is getting better.  He even attempted a basket this season!

In February Jason and I were married 9 years.  Our anniversary falls 10 days befoe Valentine's Day and we decided several years ago that we would celebrate our anniversary and not worry about V day.  Jason brought home this:  Yum!

We went out to dinner that weekend.

This past weekend I celebrated 51 years of life.  It is funny...when I turned 25, 40, 50, the major mile stones, I wasn't bothered by the number.  When I was 26 and now again at 51 I  just do not like the number.  I don't know if it is because it is the year after the big birthday and I am not just saying, "Wow, I made it to this year and look good."  I am saying, "Wow, I am that old and getting older!"  "A-a-a-a-gh!"  Who knows.

I did have a nice day.  In the morning I went to breakfast with friends I have known 20+ years.
Linde, LeAnn, Margaret
Brenda Judy

Then Jason, Jacob and I went to see the movie, Penguins of Madagascar.  

Unfortunately this weekend was a caselot sale and we needed cases of food for food storage.  So we went shopping and then packaged chicken.

After we went to my Mom and Dad's for dinner.  That was fun and we celebrated Jacob's birthday too.

I need to get better at taking pictures again.  With Jacob gone to school all day it seems a bit boring to take pictures of house cleaning.  :)

On to Jacob's official birthday, Easter, Spring Break, etc!