Monday, March 28, 2016


Yesterday was Easter.  We got up and Jacob found his basket and then began to look for eggs.

Basket found. Wrapped up in his new baptism blanket

Looking for eggs in the family room.

Right at his feet--ah, he found it!!

Look up Jacob!       Not that high.  :)

After church my friend, Judy, drove down with us to Heidi's house for dinner.

Everyone looked so happy to have pictures taken!

Linnea bought this plaque for Mom.  She does not like to be called "Nana."  It says, "Nana, my favorite place is to sit on her lap!"  It was funny!!

Turning 8!

This month Jacob turned 8!  He went from this, to this!

The Friday before his birthday, the 18th, we had 10 of his friends over for a birthday party.  

Chase Anderson, Ryan Harkness, Reese Tillmann, Bridger Gee, Tirk Sollis, Andy Brown, Avery Roper, Jaxon Cathey,
Alex, Brown, Jacob
 We opened presents, had dinner of pizza and fruit, and then went to Airborne to jump!

 Afterward we came home and had cake and ice cream.  Grandma Wong was so nice and came to help us transport kids to and from jumping.

On Jacob's actual birthday, March 23rd, Joy was in town visiting Elizabeth and Christian.  She picked up Mom and Dad and brought them up for his birthday dinner.

Poor Elizabeth--tired new mom!

On Saturday, March 26th, Jacob was baptized by his Dad into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  

At the baptism Joy lead the opening song, "Teach Me to Walk", Reese Tillmann's Grandpa gave the opening prayer, Jacob, Abby, Emma, Mylee, Lilly, Grace, Samantha, Olivia, and Reese's cousins sang, "I Am a Child of God." A s Stake Primary President I then gave the talk and managed to not cry through the whole thing!

We went to baptism font and he was baptized.  Then we moved to the Relief Society room where he and Reese were confirmed member of the Church.  It was so nice!

Blessing Day - June 6, 2008
Baptism Day - March 26, 2016

After the confirmation we went into the gym to have lunch.  We had hawaiian haystacks and everything was ready, but the rice didn't cook very well.

It all worked out, but we had to wait a while.  

I can't believe he is this old!!

Love these boys!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Draper Elementary Art Show

Last night we went to the art show at school.  My friend, Kylee Welling, is the art teacher and has done a great job!  All grade levels participated and it turned out so well!

Quilt done of 2nd grader's art

Quilt block of Ikea that Jacob drew

4th grade totem poles

Monday, March 14, 2016

Stephen Gets Married!

On Saturday, March 12th, Hannah Latham and Stephen got married!  They were married in the Mt. Timpanogos Temple.
Coming out of the Temple

Jason's Family
 They were married at 9 a.m., we took pictures and then went to the Riverside Country Club in Provo for the reception.  It was a beautiful place and we had a great afternoon!
Decorating the car

Jacob Nelson - Jenny's fiance.  His car is next in June!

They cut the cake that said, "To Infinity and Beyond!"

       Jacob helping with the decorating.

Stephen trying to get the car ready to drive.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Chinese New Year, Anniversary, New Baby, Valentine's Day, & Lots of School Breaks!

February was a busy month!
On February 2 - 4th South Town exhibition center held STEM Fest.  It focused on science, technology, engineering and math.  Tuesday was family free day.  A friend from school, Jaxon, his mom told me about it and we went together after school  It was so fun to see all they had set up for the kids to see and do.  
Running a robot

Jacob and Jaxon experiencing how different types of wood and how they are cut affect their speed in water

February 4th was our 10th anniversary.  I had Primary board meeting that night, but Jason brought home flowers.

Julie and Me

That night was the last night with my 1st counselor, Julie Carrillo.  She was being released and called to work in Young Women's in her ward.  I was so surprised they didn't release my whole presidency, but they are keeping us on.  I have a great new counselor, but after 4 years it is hard to say good bye.

This picture is taken in front of the copy machine where we spent time each month copying the baptism program.

Margaret Stone, Me, Julie Carrillo.  Don't know why my eye is wacky!
Our presidency at the end of 4 years!
Jacob fixed breakfast for us one morning!

Valentine's Day!  This year it was on Sunday, Friday was a no school day, so we celebrated on Thursday at school.  Had a party in the gym with games, etc.  Jfor me.                                                    

The kids had one day off from school each week all month. 3 were Fridays for teacher comp/work days.  One was a Monday for President's Day.  This picture was on a Friday when we took our friend James with us to go swimming.
Cannon BALL!!!!
Christian Baier

My niece, Elizabeth, had this cute little guy on February 9th.  It is so fun to have a new baby in the family. It is just weird to say to him that I am his Grandma's sister!!  Joy is a grandma!!

With his birth Joy, Matthew, Kristin and Ryan came into town.  It was around President's Day and Chris came into town with Mallory to have her see BYU and go to classes with Amy.  Fun to see them all!!

Friends I have had for over 20 years--we get together about 4 times a year to celebrate birthdays.  Margaret is in February and I am in March--so we celebrate together.

Margaret Pearson, Haeli Hanseen Steinman, Brenda Reese, Judy Seiders, LeAnn Stamos Clark, Me
 Here we are after breakfast at Kneaders.

I was looking for something in our downstairs closet one day and tried the dress on.  Still fits, barely, after 10 years.
The weekend after V-day our Elders' Quorum sponsored a dance for Elders Quorum and High Priests groups in the Stake.  We went and it was sooo fun!  I have not been to a dance in over 10 years and this time I had a partner!  Jason doesn't care for dances, but went for me.  I loved it!!

At the end of February we went to the Blue and Gold Cub Scout dinner where all of the new scouts were welcomed in.  Jacob helped me decorate the cake.
Cutting it in half

Getting his neckerchief.  He was happier about it than he looks here.  
 Another major event in February was Stake Activity Day.  I have a great board member over it and she goes ALL out.  It took us all day to decorate for this event.  It was based on Alice in Wonderland--when she asks the Cheshire Cat which direction should she go. He asks where does she want to end up. Alive says she doesn't which he says, then it doesn't matter. We tied this in to having the girls think about the choices they make now will affect their lives later. Decisions determine destiny. It was so cute!!!  She showed the video clip from Alice in Wonderland that then went into President Monson's talk from General Conf. where he uses this story as an example. 
Margaret Stone (Queen of Hearts), Amy Jex, Kara Dale (Twiddle Dee and Dumb), Emily Tebbs (Mad Hatter) Me as Alice

Entrance when you came in
Kara Dale and Amy Jex as Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dumb

Entrance into the cultural hall...down the rabbit hole
All of the tables were decorated with
grass grown in small trays, with a candle stick in the middle.  On top of the candle stick were hats that Emily had made.

We had flower vases with a balloon and artificial flowers tipped in red.

This was a back drop the girls saw as they went from one class to another.  It was amazing.  The write up for it is:

The first Sunday in March we got together with my family to celebrate Jacob, David and my birthdays.

It was a good day!