Sunday, September 30, 2018


 September has been busy.  Mostly, for me, with PTA.  Beginning of year always has a lot to do. 

I was Legislative VP last year and this year wasn't going to do anything on the board, but there was no President elect and the President asked if I would fill in.  I have to be a fill in because we won't be at Draper next year--Jacob will be in 6th grade--middle school!  So it was easy to say yes.  I can help, but don't have to be in charge next year.  YEA!!

September 2018
 Here we are making cookies.  Similar to 2009 when he was helping me.  He was a much bigger help this year at 10 than he was 9 years ago when he was 1.  He wanted cookies so I told OK as long as he helped. 
December 2009

 One of the bigger things for PTA in September is the Dragon Dash.  They hold it at Corner Canyon HS and each grade level runs a 400 yard dash...grouped by boys and girls.  Here Jacob is getting ready to run in his heat.
2018 (5th grade)

At the end they have a mile run that Jacob likes to participate in.  He does well and is able to run almost the whole thing. 

2013 (Kindergarten)
 We went to Jacob's old school, where he attended Kindergarten, Crescent Elementary for flu shots.  He wanted to climb on the K playground for old times sake.  We even ran into his old Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Turpin.

We participated in the family skate nights at the skate park.  Jacob began to work on his space derby rocket for his last cub pack meeting and he began 11 year old scouts.

This little lady was born to Elizabeth and Nathan.  Hannah Mary.  She is so cuddly and cute.  Weird to think I'm the great aunt and not the aunt. 

Joy, Jennifer Stein Edwards, Me, Kimberly, Sharon
Price Hutchinson,

Kimberly Stewart flew in from California to visit.  She was in our Stake when we were teenagers and is actually Joy's age.  She had a baby last year.  So fun to see her and get together with other friends from that time 


Cornbellys.  We've gone off and on since 2011 with Andersons, Catheys and Nefs.  This year we were with Nefs.  We rode the cow train, did the small Bee zip lines and Jacob and Jaxon did the big, long zip line--he loved it!
 They had a ball popper thing where you put balls in the tubes and they shot up in the air.  Here Ellie Sue put her face over it.  Such a funny picture.

Me and Ellie Sue riding the cow train

Riding the big zip line
Bee zip line




Every year we spend time in the big tent FULL of corn and the kids love it.  It really is a cool sensation, but you get very dusty!



At the end of the last few years I have tried to get a picture in front of the Cornbellys Man with Jacob.  

Heidi, Christian, Nathan and Kristen
Amy carrying bricks trying to out do
Jayson (Malia's fiance)
Michael, Stephanie, Malia and Mallory

Ah....yard work.  With Dad gone non of us have had the time needed to dedicate to his yard like he used to do.  So on the last Saturday of September many of us (about 24) gathered at Mom's to work on the yard.  We cleared weeds, plants, put down weed barrier, took up the grow boxes etc. to get it to a possibly more manageable state. 

Where the grow boxes were we determined that putting down sod would be much easier to manage. 
Next spring Shane said he would come an get the sprinklers working and then we'll lay the sod. 
We got a ton done in about 4 hours. 

Devin, Jason, Taylor and Matthew

Me, trying to stay balanced for the picture.  

End of September we had parent teacher conferences.  Jacob is doing well.  At level in math and he was the highest reader out of both classes.  So doing well there too.  He struggles with Chinese, but if we can just get through this year then he will be done. 

Friday, September 14, 2018

The Lord Listens to Even the Smallest Prayers

This morning Jacob and I were praying before breakfast.  I prayed for the usual protection for him and Jason.  I prayed over the food.  At the end I asked that the weed trimmer would work and it wouldn't take me long to edge the lawn.

The last time I edged, back in June, I started, trimmed 3 feet and the line broke.  I rewound it, started trimming again and it would break again.  Rewind, break, rewind, break.  This happened every 3-6 feet all the way around my yeard and we have a LOT of edges around our lawn.  It took me over 2 hours.  Thus why it is now September and I'm just getting to it again. 
 After Jacob got off to school I began to edge.  I went around the front of the house, down the sidewalk and did the park strip along the front before my line ended!  I was ecstatic!  The line broke a few times after that, but I got it done in about 45 minutes.  I was so thankful for answered prayers--even one that seems praying that the line wouldn't break.

Monday, September 10, 2018

August and beginning of September (Spiral Jetty)

 August has been fun!  We started out with Scout camp.  Once again I went one day to help.  Here are the boys, Year 1 - 2016

Braydon Hobbs, Jaxon Nef, Bridger, Jacob, Ryan Harkness

Year 2 -2017

Braydon Hobbs, Avery Roper, Jaxon Nef,
Bridger, Jacob

Year 3 - 2018

Bridger, his cousin, Jacob, Luke Anderson, Harrison Halterman

 They did BB gun shooting.

 Made a spoon catapult.
 Shot bows and arrows.
 Note in this picture of the arrow that Harrison is shooting.  I caught it leaving the bow.  Pretty cool.

 Shooting sling shots.
 We went to see Joseph and the Technicolored Dream Coat with Karen, Hannah and the girls.  It was good.

The second week of August we left for Moab with the Cathey's.  Got to the rental house and hit the pool.

 Wednesday morning we got up and out of the house by 7:30 a.m.  It was warm so we wanted to hike to Arches before it got too hot.

 The last time I was here was in 1997.
After Arches we headed to Landscape arch.  The kids were a little less enthused to do this one since it was pretty hot and about 11 a.m.  But we made it. 

Thursday we left early again and headed to Coronal Arch.

 A field of Cairns we found along the way.

Finally made it.  Hot and tired.  But cool to see!

 This is out of place, but part of the hike up to Corona.

Taking a break on the walk down.

On Friday morning, the day we were leaving, Jason and Tom got up early and did a bike ride while Wendy and I helped pack up the kids.  When the boys got back from riding we put everything in the car and took off for home.

As is the case whenever we spend time with the Cathey's....if we spend the day with them it seems we spend the ENTIRE day!  After we got home, we put stuff away and then Cathey's came over for pizza and game.

Playgroup at the splash pad. 
Jacob forgot to put water in his noodle bowl and proceeded to microwave it.  The house smelled SO bad!!

 Jason went out of town, for work, the week school started.  So Jacob and I went to dinner.  So good!

Trying to finish off Jacob's scout requirement of Stronger, Faster, Higher. 
Museum of Natural History with the Cathey's.
Ward BBQ with Dominique Nef

 We had a dessert night.  At one point Karen, Jason and Stephen were laughing so hard....Jason looks like he is in pain.
New school shoes!
Last day of summer!  School starts tomorrow.  

 Handsome boy ready for 5th grade!

 We went to breakfast for his first day and then I took him to school.

As I was leaving we got stuck.  Cars were parked in the red, along the side of the very small parking lot.  The bus tried to pull around to get out and got stuck between this car and.....
 ....this car with it's hitch.  So they had us backup and go out the in side, cross the median to get out in front of the bus.

Going into class.   Pennant he made for 5th grade telling about himself.
After drop off moms got together for a "They're finally back in school" brunch.
 Malia has a boyfriend and we were invited to Heidi's to meet him.  His name is Jayson and looks like they'll get married.

Once school started I went to see this movie about Mr. Rogers.  It was so good!

Jacob earned his Webelo badge.  Now just a few more things for Arrow of Light.

 Labor Day weekend we drove out to Promontory Point with the Nef's and Cathey's.  Here are replicas of the 2 trains that met the day they pounded the "golden spike" connecting the east with the west.

 Then we drove 15 more miles to the Spiral work done in 1970 in the Great Salt Lake.

Jason meditating in the center of the Jetty.

 Water has come up and covered the Jetty at different time, but it hasn't been covered since 2002.

We walked out from the Jetty to the water.
 Finding salt crystals.  They were so cool!!

Floating in the Great Salt Lake

When you get out you "shimmer" with salt.  It was all over them!

 After "cleaning up" we had a picnic dinner.

 It was a great day!
We met at Jared and Stephanie's to celebrate June, July, August and September birthdays.  That would be:  Jason, MarySue. Lilly, Robbie, Janette, Karen, Jacob N. and Josh.

Now on to the rest of September!