Thursday, February 24, 2011

To Keep or Not To Keep

In the back of your closet do you have clothes that you still like, even though they are out of style and something you wore 20 years ago? I do. :) I have 4 dresses in particular that I have kept. Here they are. (I apologize for the quality of the pictures, but it is hard to take pictures of yourself like this. I do have to give me a plug for putting on 3 different pairs of nylons for this. Jacob asked me, "Are you putting on/taking off your legs Mom?", refering to the nylons.)

Coming in at #4 - The Green Dress

This dress was purchased in 1988, just as I was getting ready to finish college. It cost me $70 and is well made. I think I like it mostly because it was one of my first "expensive" purchases as an "adult." I also remember buying it the same summer my sister met her husband. I so got a dress and she got married.

#3 - The blue dress

I bought this one in the early 90's and just liked the way it fit. As with all of these dresses the shoulder pads are HUGE! But that was the style.

#2 - The Green Poka Dot dress

This dress reminded me of Julia Robert's dress in Pretty Woman. I bought it around 1992. You remeber it--the brown one with poka dots that she wore to the polo match. I loved this dress because I thought it made me look taller and thinner. The back has a criss-cross tie that makes the dress come in at the waist. I would still wear this dress--maybe I just need to take out the shoulder pads???? What do you think?

And at #1 - I don't know what to call this one.

Worn in 1994-95 and I loved it! It fit me and I just felt good in it. This is too dated to wear again, but I still have it. :)

Funny how we save certain things. Unfortuntely, while I still fit these dresses, the jeans I wore at that time are long gone. Jeans are not quite as forgiving. :)

Friday, February 4, 2011

5 years!

Today is our 5 year anniversary--Amazing it has been that long!! Marriage is one of the easiest things I have done...but it helps when you have a partner who is easy to get a long with and is fun to be with. Nice that they understand you (or try to) and love you in spite of your imperfections.

Jason gave me tulips, M&M's...we went to a movie and was his day off, so I had him around all day--to me that is the best!!

I love being married to Jason!