Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Our Fall, Thanksgiving,Christmas, and New Year's!

So very far behind here!! My appendix threw me off of blogging and then things got busy.

At the beginning of the school year the neighborhood had a Back to School party (similar to our end of year party in June).  Kids loved it.

Over Labor Day Spilkers invited us to go on a hike with them to Bell's Canyon....up to the water tank.  Started out well,....
and ended well.....
but in between it was a LONG hike!  My hiking abilities only go so far before I get really tired of only seeing this!
 Boulder after boulder to climb over, and over, and over.

This is what others see....beautiful isn't it?
If I concentrated on the beauty of nature around me, rather than the boulders under me, I'd have a much nicer time....for about 1 minute....before I fell and broke my leg, ankle, or neck. 

Fall was busy with the normal stuff.  Getting into the swing of things with school, etc.

Going back to August...Jacob lost his first front tooth!

In October Jacob lost his 2nd front tooth!  You can see it below in his crazy hair day picture.

We also went with Debby Kirby and her 3 kids to Gardner Village for our annual look at the "Witches."  We had a fun day together and that night the whole family came over and we had a fire pit with smores.  First and last fire pit of the year.  :)

They had crazy hair day at school and we had the chance to go to Cornbelly's,  Jacob rode this really tall slide down and loved it.

I LOVE this picture!!

Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump.....

I had to beg Jacob to take this picture with me!
Jacob began tutoring in Chinese before school.   He has really struggled liking Chinese...it is hard so he has fought it.  Math has been hard also, probably because it is being taught in Chinese.  He dislikes Chinese and it has carried into math.  We hope it is going to get better.

At the end of October we  had Jacob's class Halloween party and I went in to help.  That was fun!

 About a week before Halloween Draper has a Halloween party for families where kids can come and play games to get candy.  Jacob decided to wear his Spider man costume for this one and in this picture he has to "pick" the nose to get a prize.  It was pretty funny!

The biggest news in November was Parker getting home from his mission to Brazil!  It was so fun to see him again!  This picture is from the day after he got home while we were at my Mom's for Thanksgiving. David and Heidi went to pick him up and they came home on Heidi's birthday!

The first part of December we went to Chevron's kid's Christmas party at the Living Planet Aquarium.

The second weekend of December was Olivia's baptism and Parker's homecoming talk.

Just a funny picture of Jacob!

Jacob helping clean the bathrooms with dad.  He is much more willing to help Jason with this than me!

Sometime during the month I closed an account I had while working and held $500 in my lap!

Jared, Stephanie and the girls came on Christmas Eve to spend the weekend with us.  Santa came to our house for all of us!

Everyone waited on the stairs to see if Santa had come.

Checking out the stockings.
Jacob got a plasma ball from Gr. and Gr. Safsten.

A suitcase and a Snap Circuit electronics set,

I think he enjoyed his morning (as did the girls!)

After breakfast we went over to Randy and MarySue's house for lunch and gift exchange.

During December I came down with strep throat twice!  At the beginning of the month and then again 5 days after finishing my first round of medicine.  For me that is the way to be sick.  Feel sick for a day, get meds and you feel better and are no longer contagious!  By December 31st Jacob had strep so we spent New Year's together at home!

Happy New Year and on to 2015!