Monday, September 29, 2008

Seeing Seattle

We just got back from 4 days in Seattle. We left on Thursday and arrived to a bit of rain, but the rest of the weekend was great! 65-70 degrees and no clouds. We could see Mt. Rainer from right outside our hotel window.

One night we went to a resturant. You can see Jacob sitting in a high chair (no bath towels with us on the trip).

Happy with Jason...

...happy until the food arrived for mom and dad. Once the food was on the table he didn't want to sit in the chair, on our laps, didn't want to look out the window at the Sound, but he was willing to put his tired head on my shoulder, as long as I was standing, and rest. So that is how I ate my dinner. I'm sure it looked strange, but at least our fellow diners could eat in peace.

Friday we spent a lot of time driving. We wanted to go down to see Mt. St. Helens. It is quite can still see the effects on the land after 28 years! We drove out to Johnson's Ridge, which is about 2.5 hours from Seattle, went to the visitor's center and then hiked up to the view point.

We tried to drive out to the Columbia River that day also, but it wasn't easy to find and Jacob was done with driving.

Saturday we went into Seattle, went to Pikes Market. They have the most beautiful flowers there! I could have fresh flowers every week for $4 a bunch. We wandered through the market...

...went to the water front...

...then walked through the neighborhood to the Space Needle. It is an amazing structure.
It was a beautiful day so we wandered around the Needle where they have a carnival.....leaves were turning....if Seattle was like that, year round, I could live there.

A view from the observation deck at the Needle.

At the end of the day Jacob was still a happy camper. I took this shot because his pants were so high on his waist, they looked like little old man pants.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Playing is a Lot of Work!

Jacob taking a rest after an afternoon of playing with toys, books, and just generally rolling around. He fell asleep on the blanket, but ended up rolling off. The room tells the story.

29%, 57% & 97%

What do these numbers mean? Jacob had his 6 month Dr. appt. on Monday and they took his measurements. He weights 16.5 lbs (which puts him in the 29% for wieght), is 26.5 inches long (which puts him in the 57% for length), and his head measured 46 cm (which puts him in the 97% for head size).

He is 1/4 Swedish (from me), 1/4 Chinese (from Jason) and 1/2 European mix (from both of us). So I like to think Jacob has a Swedish head size to store all of his Chinese brains. :) Lucky boy to have all that room up there!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

It Finally Happened

For 6 months I have carried around a change of clothes in Jacob's diaper bag like a good, prepared mom does. Jacob does not spit up, throw up, or have diaper blow outs (yet) and so I have NEVER had to use the extra clothes. Until last night.

We went to dinner with some friends and Jason was holding Jacob in front of him, with Jacob on the table. Before Jason knew it Jacob had grabbed his glass of water and dumped it (ice water) all over his legs and the table. Jacob was a bit startled.

We happened to have a large bath towel with us and Jason lifted Jacob up and I mopped up the mess. Here is a picture with Jacob sitting back on the towel before we changed his clothes. Please note the ice still sitting on the table in front of Jacob.

Why did we have a large bath towel with us, you may ask...doesn't everyone carry a towel into a resturant when they eat with a baby? Actually, we brought it because Jacob is beginning to be able to sit up in chairs for a small amount of time. So we brought the towel to put around him to help him sit up.

I have now dutifully repacked the baby bag with new sets of changes of never know. Too bad the bag is too small for a large bath towel.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Another Eating Picture

I just can't resist. He is so funny when he eats and gets food all over!

Evening in the Park and a faux Hawk

Male bonding. John, Jason (Jacob), Corbin and Steven. Notice how all of them are giving us their best smiles? :)
Michlle and Andrea (Marcia wouldn't let me put her picture in)

After a good old ride in the swings!

Last Monday night we met some friends at the park and had a picnic dinner. Had a good time. Weather was perfect, kids played, I took Jacob down the slide (didn't know what to think of that). Just a nice evening.

This picture is of last Sunday morning. Before church we were playing around with different hair styles on Jacob. The faux hawk turned out the best (What do you think Taylor--our inspriation for trying it). Though, by the look on his face, he may not think so. :)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I Remember...

When I was younger I used to wonder how people "remembered me when I was just a little girl and look how I've grown up!" Or when they could remember major events and what they were doing at that time. I realize now that "remembering" begins to happen between 25-30.

By that time you have lived long enough to have seen things happen. I remember July 6, 1990. I was in Taiwan, living with my sister, and she had my niece that day. I remember her in the hospital so tiny (pictures help). I remember the summer of 1991 visiting them again and holding Elizabeth while putting my make-up on and how she wanted some too.

I remember September 11, 2001. It was a Tuesday and my first year as principal. We had just finsihed faculty meeting in the library of Maeser Elementary...everyone left to get ready to welcome the students, but one teacher was still at a table watching her computer. She told me that the first plane had hit the towers. The second plane hit just before school started.

I think of what a different world Jacob is growing up in compared to me. When I was little you could go outside, by yourself, and play without mother being worried. Joy and I could walk down the the Plaza, by ourselves, to spend our hard earned babysitting money on a Thrifty ice cream cone.

Will he ever be able to fly with more than 3 oz. of liquid in his carry on bag or will he have to pay to bring on his carry on bag? I'm not overly worried, just thinking about it.

I realize that "the good old days" don't really exist. There were always problems to face, but I do think some of the problems we didn't have to face then are to be missed.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Bath Time

On Sunday mornings Jason showers Jacob before church. He loves the shower! I keep meaning to take a picture of him and finally remembered to grab the camera yesterday. An actual picture of Jacob WITH mom in it (even if I am still behind the camera). :)

Joy, please know that you are invited to his first birthday to be in all of the pictures, as I was for Elizabeth's first b-day. :)

Loves to Swing

Last Thursday, September 5, I took Jacob on a walk to our neighborhood park and tried him in the baby swing. He really liked it. Later that day, some friends, Marcia, Andrea, Michelle and I met at Draper Park and I took my camera that time to catch his cute face while he swings.