Sunday, December 29, 2013


We began December with my Dad's 82nd birthday.  My niece, who is attending BYU, has so much money on her meal ticket that we all went to the Legend Restaurant, on campus, for dinner to celebrate.

Jacob took a picture of Jason and me :)

 For Christmas each year Jason's work hosts an employee Christmas dinner, this year it was at the Salt Palace, and a children's Christmas party.

The kids party was at the zoo to see Zoo Lights.  So we all bundled up and went to the zoo. It was fun to see the lights and some of the animals who are not usually out during the the big cats.  The tiger was actually out and around.  Fun to see!

The rest of December was busy with school, car pools, etc.  For Christmas Jason and I decided to stay at my parent's Christmas Eve  and open presents with them Christmas morning.

Mom and Dad
Heidi and family came to mom's for dinner Christmas Eve.
Malia getting the table ready

Playing with cousins

Pre-dinner snacks

Cleaning up after dinner Mom and Malia

Jacob opening his pajamas

We let Jacob open one present before he went to bed.  It was pajamas...not anything he was overly thrilled by and I'm sure he was hoping that the morning gifts would be better.

The tree after Santa had come

Grandma Safsten looking at the stockings with Jacob
Ooooo....Dad got a bottle opener!

What is it???

 The art set he said he had always wanted!
 A new CD player.  This was just a strange shot...not to mention that Jacob had gotten hold of our camera and pushed a button that made the pictures a bit fuzzy.
The picture magnet Jacob made me at school

A book!  How did Dad know??

 The Y Flicker.  For weeks Jacob really didn't talk about anything he wanted....then about 2 weeks before Christmas he started telling people that he had asked Santa for a Y Flicker.  He had?  We sure hadn't heard about it!  Good thing Santa did!!
 Breakfast Christmas morning
 After being at my parents, we headed down to Jason's Dad's house and opened presents there.

Jacob with his 3D glasses on writing his scientific notes

Jason's brother, and family, moved up to Idaho Falls about 2 weeks before Christmas and so couldn't be there on Christmas day.  They came up the following Jacob is in his room waiting for the cousins to come and sleep over with us.

 For New Year's Eve a family, the Spilkers, in our ward invited us and another family over for dinner and games.  The theme was from Despicable Me...and we all became Minions.  It was so cute.  They had games and everything was colored for the theme.  They went to so much work.  It was darling!!

Getting dessert ready
The pinata

 They had a pinata and when it was close to midnight Julie got out the noise makers and we made noise!!  I love David's face in this picture!


Toasting to the New Year!  Happy 2014!